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MSTest framework and adapter

Results 321 testfx issues
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## Summary The new TestRunner executable doesn't output passing tests, only failing. ## Background and Motivation I spent FOREVER trying to figure out why my unit test run kept hanging....

Type: Discussion
Type: Feature
Needs: Attention :wave:

is there a way to change the output when using EnableMSTestRunner in your project? trx output or console logging that show the tests ran. one thing that would be nice...

Type: Discussion
Area: Testing Platform

## Summary Handle SIGTERM shutdown signal to fire the cancellation [dotnet/runtime@main/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting/src/Internal/ConsoleLifetime.netcoreapp.cs](https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/blob/main/src/libraries/Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting/src/Internal/ConsoleLifetime.netcoreapp.cs?rgh-link-date=2023-08-29T15%3A31%3A54Z)

Type: Feature
State: Approved
Area: Testing Platform

## Summary Allow to inject `TestContext` object in ctor of the test class as alternate design. ## Background and Motivation To be able to access the `TestContext` object, we currently...

Type: Feature
State: Approved

## Describe the bug When specifying a displayName in a TestMethod, it works as expected and the display name is picked up. However, if a DataRowAttribute is used on a...

Type: Feature
Area: Data Driven
State: In-PR
State: Approved

## Summary MSTest is currently using eqt trace logger everywhere for technical logs. This is preventing any logs to be produced when working in runner mode. There is also many...

Type: Feature

## Describe the bug The display name of MSTest DataRow elements doesn't display well nulls. ## Steps To Reproduce ```csharp [DataRow("", "", false)] [DataRow(null, null, false)] public void M1(string s1,...

Type: Feature
Area: Data Driven
Breaking :bangbang:
State: Approved

## Description Currently MSTest is based on sync pattern on all the code and we fake async behavior through `.Wait()`, `.GetAwaiter().GetResult()` or `Task.Run`. It would be better to have MSTest...

Type: Feature
Breaking :bangbang:

## Summary Currently, MSTest is setup so you can use assembly resolution feature only when creating some custom app domain. We already have process isolation so there should not be...

Type: Feature

## Description The goal of this ticket is to announce the upcoming breaking changes in MSTest v4. ### Planned - [ ] Convert MSTest to async pattern (#1284) - [...
