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Issue retrieving lists of available OSs for FeatureUpdate using Microsoft.TestBase API
I am encountering an issue while trying to retrieve lists of available OSs for FeatureUpdate using the Microsoft.TestBase API. The API endpoint I am using is:
GET https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.TestBase/testBaseAccounts/{testBaseAccountName}/availableOSs?osUpdateType={osUpdateType}&api-version=2022-04-01-preview
While I can successfully retrieve lists of available OSs for SecurityUpdate using the same API, when I attempt to retrieve lists for FeatureUpdate, I receive a response code of 200, but the response body is blank.
It is important to note that a month ago, when I tried the same API endpoint for FeatureUpdate, it was working correctly and I could see the expected output in the response body.
I have followed the documentation provided at [https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/testbase/available-os/list?tabs=HTTP#osupdatetype]
Could you please assist me in understanding why I am not getting any response data when retrieving lists of available OSs for FeatureUpdate? Is there any additional configuration or step required to retrieve this information successfully?
Thank you for your assistance.