terminal icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
terminal copied to clipboard

Acrilyc tabrow glitch when terminal change focus

Open DanielSRS opened this issue 1 year ago • 13 comments

Windows Terminal version


Windows build number


Other Software

No response

Steps to reproduce

Just set background opacity to something lower than 100 and use acrylic.

"opacity": 50, "useAcrylic": true, "useAcrylicInTabRow": true

Expected Behavior

When lose focus, tab row should be opaque with the defined background color. After regain focus, tab row should be semitransparent with acrylic effect.

Actual Behavior

✅ When lose focus, tab row is opaque with the defined background color. ❌ After regain focus, tab row is semitransparent with intermittent acrylic effect (sometimes has blur, sometimes not).

  • I noticed that if the opacity is 100% the issue do not happens
Opacity in 50% Opacity in 100%

The issue started after the last update. Previously worked fine. Not sure if is related to the new aways on acrylic.

DanielSRS avatar Feb 21 '24 14:02 DanielSRS

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github-actions[bot] avatar Feb 21 '24 14:02 github-actions[bot]

You know, this is not the first time we've seen this since 1.19. Could you share your settings.json file/?

{{I should go find the other recent reports and add them here}}

The inactive acrylic change shouldn't affect the titlebar at all. It should only affect the "terminal" area. But we've got a theory that maybe the in-app acrylic messes with the host-backdrop acrylic.

zadjii-msft avatar Feb 21 '24 22:02 zadjii-msft

@zadjii-msft This looks to me like #16661, which was closed as external.

j4james avatar Feb 22 '24 12:02 j4james

The inactive acrylic change shouldn't affect the titlebar at all. It should only affect the "terminal" area. But we've got a theory that maybe the in-app acrylic messes with the host-backdrop acrylic.

I am not familiar with technical details so I am not sure if this makes sense, but would an option to use the host-backdrop acrylic to the hole application extending it to the titlebar/tabrow so there are only one effect to manage and get rid of the possibility of them messing with each other (Assuming that's the problem)?

Here my settings.json file
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            "useAcrylic": true
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                "source": "Windows.Terminal.Azure"
                "commandline": "ubuntu.exe",
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                "hidden": false,
                "name": "Ubuntu",
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                "name": "Developer Command Prompt for VS 2022",
                "source": "Windows.Terminal.VisualStudio"
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                "hidden": true,
                "name": "Developer PowerShell for VS 2022",
                "source": "Windows.Terminal.VisualStudio"
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    "theme": "AC",
    "themes": [
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            "window": {
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            "tabRow": {
                "unfocusedBackground": "terminalBackground",
                "background": "terminalBackground"
    "useAcrylicInTabRow": true

DanielSRS avatar Feb 22 '24 17:02 DanielSRS

Try something like this

	"theme": "test",
	"themes": [
			"name": "test",
			"tab": {
				"background": "#00000000",
				"showCloseButton": "hover",
				"unfocusedBackground": "#00000000"
			"tabRow": {
				"background": "terminalBackground",
				"unfocusedBackground": "terminalBackground"
			"window": {
				"applicationTheme": "dark"
	"useAcrylicInTabRow": false

amnweb avatar Feb 24 '24 10:02 amnweb

This problem first occurred in v1.19. At that time I was using Preview and had to downgrade to Stable v1.18 because of it. Now the problem has moved to Stable v1.19 and still exists in Preview v1.20. Unfortunately, it seems that not many people use acrylic tabrow, so it is of little concern for them. For me personally, it makes a big difference to my enjoyment of using Terminal.

eddiezato avatar Feb 28 '24 02:02 eddiezato

I'm gonna take another look at this.

In the meantime, does adding "compatibility.enableUnfocusedAcrylic": false to the global settings (i.e. next to useAcrylicInTabRow) (then rebooting the Terminal), help?

zadjii-msft avatar Feb 28 '24 22:02 zadjii-msft

"compatibility.enableUnfocusedAcrylic": false

Yeah, it helps with glitches.

eddiezato avatar Feb 29 '24 02:02 eddiezato

For a short time with v1.20.11215.0 the tabs glitches disappeared (I even removed "compatibility.enableUnfocusedAcrylic": false), but then they came back with v1.21.1272.0.

eddiezato avatar May 08 '24 03:05 eddiezato

I notice acrylic in tab bar has been glitchy for a while too, and "compatibility.enableUnfocusedAcrylic": false does not fix it. Currently using 86ba98607f7d0360f41410e5a5b0a0fef0ef02b3

shuffle2 avatar Jun 12 '24 17:06 shuffle2

The problem I mentioned in #16661 still exists in v1.21.1772.0 That's just silly. Why add all these transparent effects if you're not willing to make them work properly? 😆

eddiezato avatar Jun 28 '24 02:06 eddiezato

I notice acrylic in tab bar has been glitchy for a while too, and "compatibility.enableUnfocusedAcrylic": false does not fix it. Currently using 86ba986

For me this compatibility option fixes glitchy tab row. Waiting for a real fix.

niiiksh avatar Jun 30 '24 11:06 niiiksh

For me, it also happends when opening new tab then closing that tab without moving the cursor. For now, "compatibility.enableUnfocusedAcrylic": false seems to workaround the issue for me.

Got me waiting for so long to report because I thought it was 23H2 issue. However with 24H2, I still can observe same issue.

Windows Terminal 1.21.2701.0.

MikuAuahDark avatar Oct 06 '24 02:10 MikuAuahDark