sudo copied to clipboard
not blank!
We like to camp nice round number issues like this one, for future use.
Doesn't look round to me tbh
Doesn't look round to me tbh
You know, this one is an artifact from the Terminal bot which would reserve multiples of 1111 as well. Repeated numbers are just as easy to remember as something like 100. Take for example - microsoft/terminal#8888 is the quake mode thread.
Are there reason to not use
for the future? The domain seems point anything under your control for me with desired sub-path (and shorter).
this one is an artifact from the Terminal bot
It should remain an artifact from the past. Previous commenter said that you can just use
for that sort of stuff, "fancy" and "round" issue IDs are pointless and IMO just fill up already growing list of issues with unnecessary stuff.
Plus like, come on, Microsoft owns GH now, can't y'all just swap some issue numbers when something fancy happens? /j
Why not expand it not just to "N * {1, 11, 111, 1111}", but to funny numbers like 420, 1337, 69, you name it? That's how we identify issues, right? Plus, search apparently doesn't exist in this world. First thing I personally would do if I remember some issue is that I would just search it up, and not try to remember "was it 11? was it 111? was it 444? was it 999? was it 555? was it ...???"
Eh, I like the github integration for the easy numbers. Being able to type #2 rather than is far more convenient, IMO. I'm about to spend a substantial amount of time in this repo triaging, cross-linking, and generally commenting across multiple issues. Being able to have issue numbers memorized has been extremely beneficial to my time over on the Terminal repo. I plan on copying the best habits I had over there, to my time maintaining this repo too.
(I'll probably end up locking this thread come monday, till we need it.)