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Transform not working after Migration to PackageReference
I think i have the same or a related Issue to #78 After moving from packages.config zu PackagesReferece the ScTransformAppConfig Task (nor any other Sc*Task) runs while Building
It dosnt matter if the Publish target is included or not.
I was able to work around this problem by an explicit call to nuget restore before starting msbuild
nuget restore "Solution.sln" -RequireConsent
I use Powershell to start msbuild with this line of code:
&$MSBuildPath "$msBuildFilePath" /t:Clean /t:Restore /t:Build /t:Publish /p:Configuration="$configuration" /p:OutputPath=../bin/Release/ /p:GenerateManifests=true /p:PublishUrl="$publishURL" /p:MinimumRequiredVersion="$newVersion"
Is there any way to investigate further?