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[Question] webpage not loading electron
hello there i have a project based on electron-react-boilerplate, when i try to run a simple test the webcontents doesn't load and i just have white screen.
i tried launching the main.js from release folder, from the app.asar after install.
also is there an option to launch it using the exe ? and how do i keep the window open after test is done?
I created a PR to electron-react-boilerplate which demonstrates a basic integration, it was working for me!
Let us know what you do different.
thank you very much, i'm my project is already in advanced stages where i use multiple windows, there are also some folders that i relay on that are not found in release/app/dist, i am wondering if it is possible to run the tests when using npm start.. for now i found a workaround and that is to just install the app and ignore the --inspect=0 flag at the start of the app
Cool, since it's working I'm closing it for now, hopefully the upstream contribution into the boilerplate gets merged as well.
If you still encounter issues, please re-file with a repro.