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[BUG] Protocol error (Network.getResponseBody): Request content was evicted from inspector cache
I am trying to read a large JSON file around 24.9 MB using playwright. When I am making the request and trying to read the body using the playwright.BrowserContext response
event but I am getting this error response.json: Protocol error (Network.getResponseBody): Request content was evicted from inspector cache at BrowserContext.<anonymous>
This issue is raised and it's closed. I have tried to execute same code snippet but it's not working in playwright.
- Playwright Version: 1.20.1
- Operating System: macOS Monterey v12.3 ( M1 )
- Node.js version: v17.7.0
- Browser: Chromium
What steps will reproduce the problem?
import playwright from 'playwright';
const getBrowser = async () => {
const launchOptions = {
devtools: false,
headless: false,
ignoreDefaultArgs: ['--disable-extensions', '--enable-automation'],
args: [`--start-maximized`],
const browser = await playwright['chromium'].launch(launchOptions);
const context = await browser.newContext({ viewport: null });
return {
context: context,
newPage: () => context.newPage(),
close: () => browser.close(),
(async () => {
const { newPage, context } = await getBrowser();
const page = await newPage();
const client = await page.context().newCDPSession(page);
await client.send('Page.setLifecycleEventsEnabled', { enabled: true });
await client.send('Network.enable', {
maxResourceBufferSize: 1024 * 1204 * 100,
maxTotalBufferSize: 1024 * 1204 * 200,
context.on('response', async (response) => {
try {
const url = response.url();
if (url.includes('json')) {
await response.json();
// getting error in console:
} catch (e) {
await page.goto(``, {
waitUntil: 'networkidle',
What is the expected result? The expected result it the response of JSON
What happens instead? It throws following error
Protocol error (Network.getResponseBody): Request content was evicted from inspector cache
at BrowserContext.<anonymous>
Chromium holds a maximum of 10 megabytes in memory for resources, see here and here.
In theory it should be possible to increase it with Network.enable, but this needs to be done in Playwright's CDP session. I tried to increase it and it was working then fine with your repro.
Will clarify it with the team later.
We'll p3 it for now an collecting feedback to see if other folks run into it since loading 10mb+ bodies is not very common.
I ran into this issue. Is there a workaround for the time being?
Running into the same issue while trying to download video clips of ~12-15 MB. I tried
await client.send('Network.enable', {
maxResourceBufferSize: 1024 * 1024 * 25,
maxTotalBufferSize: 1024 * 1024 * 1000,
which works in Puppeteer but not in Playwright.
Could someone give a workaround for this problem?
Same problem here…
Firefox has the same problem.
Me too.
me too
Parse the json from html page.content()
instead of response.json()
Same problem here
Same 😢
Same problem
Same problem,How to solve?
Same problem
Same problem
In theory it should be possible to increase it with Network.enable, but this needs to be done in Playwright's CDP session. I tried to increase it and it was working then fine with your repro.
Just hit this issue.
How to send 'Network.enable' command for the Playwright's CDP session? Sending this command in CDPSession
returned by newCDPSession
is not working
hey, any updates on this issue. I'm still getting the same Error: response.json: Protocol error (Network.getResponseBody): Request content was evicted from inspector cache
when the response resource was only 7.8MB
Any workaround or at least any timeline when we can expect it to be fixed, looks like it's opened for more then a year and a half now,
Me too.
The problem is gone when I switched the browser to Firefox.