picologging copied to clipboard
An optimized logging library for Python
Closes https://github.com/microsoft/picologging/issues/203 Correctly format and print LogRecord.asctime field Please merge this PR or https://github.com/microsoft/picologging/pull/209 where %f support in datefmt was also added. ``` import time import picologging as logging logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s...
Using the example below, picologging produces messy encoding for timestamps, e.g.: ``` INFO - �i�j,-1224597123 - root - - A log message! WARNING - HE��,-1224597123 - root - - A...
We have an issue with picologging in our application that uses multiple threads. After some time it deadlocks. I managed to reproduce this behavior with a very simple script: ```...
Broken on Python 3.8 ig. Minimal code to reproduce (assuming Python 3.8): ``` import picologging as logging logger = logging.getLogger() logger.log(logging.WARN, "Hello", exc_info=False) ``` Error I get: ``` Traceback (most...
Hello 👋 Trying to log on `stdout`, but configuring it through `picologging.config.dictConfig` doesn't work. I tried both `sys.stdout` and `"ext://sys.stdout"` (which works with Python standard `logging`). Maybe I'm missing something?...
It would be nice to be able to use picologging with mypy. I was surprised they're missing I figured MS would be using them with pyright.
Bumps [actions/deploy-pages](https://github.com/actions/deploy-pages) from 2 to 4. Release notes Sourced from actions/deploy-pages's releases. v4.0.0 Changelog Deploy pages using artifact IDs @konradpabjan (#251) This version requires the permission actions: read in the...
Bumps [github/codeql-action](https://github.com/github/codeql-action) from 2 to 3. Release notes Sourced from github/codeql-action's releases. CodeQL Bundle v2.15.4 Bundles CodeQL CLI v2.15.4 (changelog, release) Includes the following CodeQL language packs from github/codeql@codeql-cli/v2.15.4: codeql/cpp-queries...
Bumps [actions/upload-artifact](https://github.com/actions/upload-artifact) from 3 to 4. Release notes Sourced from actions/upload-artifact's releases. v4.0.0 What's Changed The release of upload-artifact@v4 and download-artifact@v4 are major changes to the backend architecture of Artifacts....
Bumps [actions/configure-pages](https://github.com/actions/configure-pages) from 3 to 4. Release notes Sourced from actions/configure-pages's releases. v4.0.0 Changelog Use a centralized .node-version file @JamesMGreene (#117) Update action to node20 @takost (#108) See details of...