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Installers for MSIX
Hey team, Please forgive the following blurb, Asking here after attempting to raise an issue with MS, a few weeks ago, but got bounced back to dev support for some reasons.
Going through the Partner program, and currently stalled at the following hurdle in Apps & Games: Packages:
The program is compiled in AutoHotkey, and, as you might know, really more a language for scripts than installable programs.
Just for a test, compiled this executable in this one line program with the single FileInstall command:
FileInstall PrgLnch.exe, C:\ProgramData\PrgLnch\PrgLnch.exe
and packaged it in this file. Attempting to install it gets a cert warning, unsurprisingly- is there any hope of applying any kind of quick fix to that file?
The Partner Centre Package Standard install scenarios do not apply to all installers available. For example, Inno Setup, a candidate of some standing, does not have return codes that match the "return code values for the scenarios mentioned below." Also ref this issue at Google groups. Is there any workaround to it, alternatively, does MS have a list of installers which are considered, if you will, more MS Store compatible? Thanks.