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Activation fails for LDAP users on linux

Open MelleKoningSGG opened this issue 3 years ago • 9 comments

Describe what happened:

Liveshare actions are not functioning at all and return errors - plugin does not activate but the visual studio arrow plugin icon is visible though.

What was your system configuration?

Ubuntu 20.04 logged in with an LDAP user - note this user is not in local /etc/passwd file

Product and Version [VS/VSCode]:

OS Version[macOS/Windows]: Live Share Extension Version: Target Platform or Language [e.g. Node.js]: Version: 1.50.0 Commit: 93c2f0fbf16c5a4b10e4d5f89737d9c2c25488a3 Date: 2020-10-07T06:01:33.073Z Electron: 9.2.1 Chrome: 83.0.4103.122 Node.js: 12.14.1 V8: OS: Linux x64 5.4.0-48-generic snap

Steps to Reproduce / Scenario:

  1. Go to '...' Visual studio developer tools within visual studio code

  2. Click on '....' Console

  3. Scroll down to '....' Activating extension error message

  4. See error

abstractExtensionService.ts:708 Activating extension 'ms-vsliveshare.vsliveshare' failed: A system error occurred: uv_os_get_passwd returned ENOENT (no such file or directory). Please attach logs to this issue: You can access them via the Live Share: Export Logs command from the command palette (ctrl + shift + p) and attach them to this issue

  • Export logs command does not work, because the extension does not activate.
  • Already tried: removing the ~/.vscode/extensions/msvsliveshare.vsliveshare-1.6.0 folders and re-install but that does not work, problem still seems to be the error is not activating because of the mentioned error uv_os_get_passwd returned ENOENT.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

MelleKoningSGG avatar Oct 13 '20 15:10 MelleKoningSGG

Addition: this happened after upgrading the machine from ubuntu 18.04 to ubuntu 20.04.

So, to me it feels like 'cleaning up and re-installing' does not entirely clean up the plugin, even though executing the command lines to delete certain folders?

MelleKoningSGG avatar Oct 27 '20 09:10 MelleKoningSGG

Assuming that code uses


to get the username. However on linux/ubuntu this will inspect the /etc/passwd/ file for the logged in user which won't be there for cases the username is stored centrally, for example when LDAP is used.

In a command prompt the username can't be requested from the /etc/passwd/ file (which os.userInfo() seems to be making use of) but can be retrieved using getent


MelleKoningSGG avatar Nov 27 '20 07:11 MelleKoningSGG

Same problem with user from Active Directory (LDAP?)

TrumanRu avatar Apr 30 '21 21:04 TrumanRu

Same here, also an LDAP user.

ruipimentel avatar May 18 '21 15:05 ruipimentel

Same here, Ubuntu 20.04 with Active Directory

ep-skolberg avatar Jun 07 '21 07:06 ep-skolberg

Thank you for identifying the root cause. Re-labeling the bug to help track the issue.

Davsterl avatar Jul 18 '21 22:07 Davsterl

I know this is somewhat niche, but it's preventing our whole org from making use of an amazing collaboration feature! Is there anything we can do to help move this along?

mgasparel avatar Oct 20 '21 20:10 mgasparel

Hello ! Same issue here, is there a workaround until a fix is made ?

Thank you !

lpoiret avatar Feb 19 '22 14:02 lpoiret

Hello! Issue still exists, current workaround is to use VSCode in Web

Thank you!

FlyOverNight avatar Jul 04 '22 09:07 FlyOverNight

Hey. Unfortunately, due to the high volume and bugs and reports we receive, we're unable to prioritize this fix until at least a quarter from now. Please use the version as mentioned to work-around it. We are going to take a closer look at ldap enabled linux scenarios in the next quarter and will evaluate how to continue to support them. Thank you.

fubaduba avatar Dec 01 '22 19:12 fubaduba

We’re not able to prioritize this issue over the other higher-impact issues we receive every week, based on the votes and comments from others in the community and our understanding of the issue. However, rest assured that we love your input. If you feel it deserves to stay open, then clarify your use case and contact us to let us know how severe it is for you.

derekbekoe avatar Mar 29 '23 00:03 derekbekoe