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Liveshare in Raspberry Pi via Remote Development
I am using a Raspberry Pi to teach Java Development with an add-on display on the Pi. I use the Remote Development Extension from Microsoft and was wondering if it could be combined with Live Share. First tests showed: No.
If I click onto
Enable and Reload
it can't be activated.
This would be nice for my students so they could collaborate on the same device remotely (virtually). This is necessary because then they can share the HW, so they need less pieces and could learn how to collaborate online even on a HW-related problem.
Will this feature be supported once?
@deinhofer Can you run the "Live Share: Export Logs..." command and include the zip here so we can see if it is activating? Also, are you running 32-bit Raspbian or a 64-bit distro like Ubuntu IoT on the Pi?
@dlebu @fubaduba @lostintangent Most likely, there's a couple of things going on here, both of which need some Live Share updates to resolve:
Live Share has not added support to download the Aarch32/ARM32 or Aarch64/ARM64 versions of the .NET Core runtime yet. So specifically running on the Pi is not yet supported - though x86_64 devices work fine. (See here.)
Live Share Audio does not work with the Remote extensions and will require some effort to get working. However, Live Share itself would still work even in this event. This specific error is happening because of how the dependency is declared and Live Share will need to use commands to communicate instead of a module export to get this working. See here for the basic. You can also find a working sample and docs on maintaining an API interface by using commands here. We opted to keep this out of the main docs initially since it was so specialized.
I am using Raspbian Buster on a Raspberry Pi 2.
PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)"
NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="10 (buster)"
I tried to reinstall the extensions and got #180
Then I manually removed the directory starting with ms-liveshare*
. After the subsequent clean install I got the following error:
So I guess it's as you said. It is not supported because it's not an x86 architecture. It would nevertheless be nice to have once, I think!
My "Share" button in the live share tab in VSCode for any remote-ssh connected Pis just does nothing. Clicking it doesn't even throw a visible error, just doesn't work. I really would like to be able to work on code on this pi with a teammate, and this is a glaring gaping hole in the functionality.
Hi, I had a same issue, and I got an access successfully Live Share in Raspberry Pi via Remote Development in VS Code 1.73.0. It seems this issue has been resolved.
We’ve made improvements in this area since this issue was filed (i.e. the vsls-agent process and associated Linux dependencies have been removed). We believe this may have improved your experience and are closing this issue. If this issue still persists for you, please comment on the issue and let us know. Thank you.