kafka-connect-cosmosdb copied to clipboard
CosmosDb Sink Connector appends `_0` to key of protobuf `oneOf` object
- Using the sink connector. Protobuf with a oneOf field causes field to have
appended to it's key.
Expected Behavior
- I would expect the key for the nested object to be the same in cosmos as in the protobuf.
- Configure the Cosmos Sink Connector with the following:
config_nonsensitive = {
"connector.class" : "CosmosDbSink",
"kafka.auth.mode" : "SERVICE_ACCOUNT",
"kafka.service.account.id" : var.SA_CONNECTOR_ID,
"tasks.max" : "1",
"name" : "CosmosDbSink_namespace-project-tripintegrations-dev",
"input.data.format" : "PROTOBUF",
"topics" : "namespace-project-tripintegrations-byvehicle-dev-public",
"connect.cosmos.databasename" : "Project.Demand",
"connect.cosmos.containers.topicmap" : "namespace-project-tripintegrations-dev-public#TripStates",
"cosmos.id.strategy" : "ProvidedInValueStrategy",
"transforms" : "idTransform",
"transforms.idTransform.type" : "org.apache.kafka.connect.transforms.ReplaceField$Value",
"transforms.idTransform.renames" : "TripId:id",
- Feed data into the source topic with the following protobuf schema
syntax = "proto3";
option csharp_namespace = "Namespace.Project.Protobuf.Execution";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "Project/CommonMessages.proto";
package Project.Execution;
message TripByVehicle {
string TripId = 1;
.google.protobuf.Timestamp LastUpdateUtc = 2;
ServiceLocation Origin =3;
ServiceLocation Destination =4;
.google.protobuf.Timestamp ScheduledDeparture = 5;
.google.protobuf.Timestamp ScheduledArrival = 6;
Project/CommonMessages.proto // Supporting proto imported above
syntax = "proto3";
option csharp_namespace = "Namespace.Project.Protobuf";
package Project;
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
message ServiceLocation {
bool IsLocationCode = 1;
oneof LocationDetail {
string LocationCode = 2;
.Project.Address Address = 3;
message Address {
string AddressLine1 = 1;
string AddressLine2 = 2;
string City = 3;
string Country = 4;
string FirstName = 5;
string LastName = 6;
string PostalCode = 7;
string State = 8;
Send data into the topic
Cosmos will create the
field with the keyLocationDetail_0
in the container.
"Origin": {
"LocationDetail_0": { <------------- The issue occurs here
"LocationCode": "ABCDE",
"Address": null
"IsCarvanaLocation": true
"Destination": {
"LocationDetail_0": { <------------- And here
"LocationCode": "FGHIJ",
"Address": null
"IsCarvanaLocation": true
Additional Context
- If this is an intended behavior due to the use of a oneOf, could you point me toward the documentation please. I was not able to find any information on this happening
@xinlian12 please take a look.
Has there been any movement on this? Has this been reproducible?
@AlexKDawson this issue is in our backlog, plant o pick it up in the next few weeks
Thanks for the update!