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When DevHome is configuring hyper v, no UI is suggesting it is doing something
Dev Home version
No response
Windows build number
No response
Other software
No response
Steps to reproduce the bug
I had a clean VM I ran canary DevHome and chose environments. It detected that hyperv a was not enabled and gave an error. I clicked the button to configure hyper v (yay!) But it went off and did something but no UI. I got impatient, not sure that it was doing anything.
it eventually came back with 'click restart'
So the feature seemed to be working. Just no UI offered to tell the user it is working.
Expected result
No response
Actual result
see above
Included System Information
No response
Included Extensions Information
No response
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Open similar issues:
- Hyper-V not enabled message confusing (#2784), similarity score: 0.77
- DevHome does not inform the user when Hyper-V services are not running. (#2552), similarity score: 0.77
Closed similar issues:
- DevHome should offer better UI while it is looking for environments (#2553), similarity score: 0.77
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