calculator copied to clipboard
Enter Key Does not click =
Up until the last few days, when hitting the Enter key on the keyboard it would '=' the sum. This no longer functions. My best guess is that this is due to a Windows Update (since I can also not search the menu bar) but I thought I would report it as an issue in case.
If possible, I would like to fix this.
Thank you, John
Mine is ok. Maybe it's your computer's problem.
This seems to depend on where you've last clicked/tabbed in the app for me. If you've used the mouse to select a symbol or pressed tab, one of the options will appear highlighted and pressing the enter key will act like a click on that button instead of '='.
Quite annoying when using history to copy previous results. Needs an extra mouse click to unselect the history button.
- Open calculator
- Type a number
- Type +
- Click on history button
- Copy a number from history
- Paste in input
- Press Enter. This opens history.