botbuilder-python copied to clipboard
Bot gives same response multiple times when deployed with azure bot service
Describe the bug
Same responses from bot are coming multiple times when deployed with azure bot service
To Reproduce
Clone the echo bot Test it on emulator Deploy it on azure with azure bot service
Expected behavior
Response should only come once.
Additional context
I created a simple bot which can send messages based on a certain input like if you send hi it will send hello. Some messages like hi and hello are send from the bot itself via a if else statement Now some text with prefix question like "question: what is the number system" When bot gets these type of text it send a request to OpenAI APIs for an LLM reponse
Now both these kinds of response one which is normal from the bot and one which comes from openai to bot and then to user as response are coming multiple times.
I though i might have done something in async operations wrong but it also gives two response for both types of messages
Below is some code from
import sys
import traceback
from datetime import datetime
from http import HTTPStatus
from aiohttp import web
from aiohttp.web import Request, Response, json_response
from botbuilder.core import (
from botbuilder.core.integration import aiohttp_error_middleware
from botbuilder.schema import Activity, ActivityTypes
from bots import EchoBot
from config import DefaultConfig
from utils import callOpenAI
CONFIG = DefaultConfig()
# Create adapter.
# See to learn more about how bots work.
ADAPTER = BotFrameworkAdapter(SETTINGS)
# Catch-all for errors.
async def on_error(context: TurnContext, error: Exception):
# This check writes out errors to console log .vs. app insights.
# NOTE: In production environment, you should consider logging this to Azure
# application insights.
print(f"\n [on_turn_error] unhandled error: {error}", file=sys.stderr)
# Send a message to the user
await context.send_activity("The bot encountered an error or bug.")
await context.send_activity(
"To continue to run this bot, please fix the bot source code."
# Send a trace activity if we're talking to the Bot Framework Emulator
if context.activity.channel_id == "emulator":
# Create a trace activity that contains the error object
trace_activity = Activity(
name="on_turn_error Trace",
# Send a trace activity, which will be displayed in Bot Framework Emulator
await context.send_activity(trace_activity)
ADAPTER.on_turn_error = on_error
# Create the Bot
BOT = EchoBot()
# Listen for incoming requests on /api/messages
async def messages(req: Request) -> Response:
# Main bot message handler.
if "application/json" in req.headers["Content-Type"]:
body = await req.json()
return Response(status=HTTPStatus.UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE)
print("\n message endpoint body: ", body)
if body["type"] == "message":
print("body type message")
status = await check_text(body["from"]["id"], body["text"])
if status["isQuestion"] == False:
body["text"] = status["text"]
activity = Activity().deserialize(body)
auth_header = req.headers["Authorization"] if "Authorization" in req.headers else ""
await ADAPTER.process_activity(activity, auth_header, BOT.on_turn)
body["text"] = status["text"]
activity = Activity().deserialize(body)
auth_header = req.headers["Authorization"] if "Authorization" in req.headers else ""
await ADAPTER.process_activity(activity, auth_header, BOT.on_turn)
APP = web.Application(middlewares=[aiohttp_error_middleware])
APP.router.add_post("/api/messages", messages)
if __name__ == "__main__":
web.run_app(APP, host="", port=CONFIG.PORT)
except Exception as error:
raise error
Below is my Bot code
from botbuilder.core import ActivityHandler, MessageFactory, TurnContext
from botbuilder.core.teams.teams_activity_handler import TeamsActivityHandler
from botbuilder.schema import Activity, ActivityTypes
class EchoBot(ActivityHandler):
async def on_message_activity(self, turn_context: TurnContext):
activity = Activity(
await turn_context.send_activity(activity)