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A11y_Azure Data Studio extension 'Azure SQL Migration'_Database backup_ScreenReader: Narrator is not announcing column header name while navigating using ctrl+alt+arrow keys in "target database" grid
"Check out Accessibility Insights! - Identify accessibility bugs before check-in and make bug fixing faster and easier.”
Github Tags:
#A11yMAS; #A11yTCS; #A11ySev2; #Benchmark; #SH-AzureSQLMigration-Win32-Jun2022; #DesktopApp; #Win32; #SQL Migration Control Plane; #WCAG1.3.1; #ScreenReader; #Narrator;
Environment and OS details:
Azure Data Studio Version 1.37.0(User Setup) Windows Version 21H2 (OS Build 22000.675)
- This issue is also observed for Databases grid in Databases for assessment step
- This issue is also observed for Authentication keys grid present in "Azure Database Migration service" step
- This issue is not observed with NVDA
Repro Steps:
- Turn on Narrator
- Install Azure data studio app and install Azure SQL migration extension
- Connect to SQL server, tab till respective server, right click and select manage
- Tab till Azure SQL Migration in sitemap and press enter key
- Tab till migrate to azure sql and press enter
- Navigate to databases grid in "Databases for assessment" step
- Select few databases and navigate to Database backup step by filling all mandatory fields in all steps
- Navigate to target database grid and verify whether Narrator is not announcing column header name while navigating using ctrl+alt+arrow keys or not
Actual Result:
Narrator is not announcing column header name while navigating using ctrl+alt+arrow keys in "target database" grid
Expected Result:
Narrator should announce column header name while navigating using ctrl+alt+arrow keys in "target database" grid
This is a narrator issue and we do not optimize for specific screen-readers. Please close this bug
Closing this issue as it is a narrator specific bug.
@aasimkhan30 Is it external to narrator could please provide a sample app we will be routing this bug to Narrator Team
@aasimkhan30 As mentioned above bug is external to narrator Could you please provide us the stand alone sample app to route the bug to external team. thanks!
@aasimkhan30 Is it external to narrator could please provide a sample app we will be routing this bug to Narrator Team?
#Closed; Since issue not observed with NVDA we can close this bug since Azure Data studio is an electron app.