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Guides and tutorials to make the most out of Azure Spring Apps

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  • java

Azure Spring Apps training

You will find here a full workshop on Azure Spring Apps, including guides and demos.

This lab is based on a public workshop created by Julien Dubois and available for free to everyone, under the MIT license.

What you should expect

This is not the official documentation but an opinionated training.

It is a hands-on training, and it will use the command line extensively. The idea is to get coding very quickly and play with the platform, from a simple demo to far more complex examples.

After completing all the guides, you should have a fairly good understanding of everything that Azure Spring Apps offers.


🛑 - Manual Modification Required. When this symbol appears in front of one or more commands, you will need to modify the commands as indicated prior to running them.

🚧 - Preview-specific. This symbol indicates steps that are only necessary while Azure Spring Apps is in preview.

💡 - Frustration Avoidance Tip. These will help you avoid potential pitfalls.

00 - Prerequisites and Setup

Prerequisites and environment setup.

01 - Create an Azure Spring Apps cluster

Basics on creating a cluster and configuring the CLI to work efficiently.

02 - Build a simple Spring Boot microservice

Build the simplest possible Spring Boot microservice using the Spring Initializer.

03 - Configure application logs

Access Spring Boot applications logs to understand common issues.

04 - Configure a Spring Cloud Config server

Configure a Spring Cloud Config Server, that will be entirely managed and supported by Azure Spring Apps, to be used by Spring Boot microservices.

05 - Build a Spring Boot microservice using Spring Cloud features

Build a Spring Boot microservice that is cloud-enabled: it uses a Spring Cloud Service Registry and a Spring Cloud Config Server which are both managed and supported by Azure Spring Apps.

06 - Build a reactive Spring Boot microservice using Cosmos DB

Build a reactive Spring Boot microservice, that uses the Spring reactive stack and is bound to a Cosmos DB database in order to access a globally-distributed database with optimum performance.

07 - Build a Spring Boot microservice using MySQL

Build a classical Spring Boot application that uses JPA to access a MySQL database managed by Azure.

08 - Build a Spring Cloud Gateway

Build a Spring Cloud Gateway to route HTTP requests to the correct Spring Boot microservices.

09 - Putting it all together, a complete microservice stack

Use a front-end to access graphically our complete microservice stack. Monitor our services with Azure Spring Apps's distributed tracing mechanism and scale our services depending on our needs.

10 - Blue/Green deployment

Deploy new versions of applications in a staging environment and switch between staging and production with Azure Spring Apps.

11 - Configure CI/CD

Configure a Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment platform using GitHub Actions, so our Spring Boot microservices are automatically deployed.

12 - Making Microservices Talk to Each Other

Creating a microservice that talks to other microservices.


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