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Hands-on workshop designed to help you learn Azure, Mobile & AI

Results 11 app-innovation-workshop issues
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A code deployment using Linux service plan is not working.

It would be great to tweak the file structure to something like below, main thoughts behind it were: - clear layout and separation of environment provisioning and source code -...


It'd be great to have our design assets available to none macOS users. We could support the following: * Adobe XD * Figma

If overwriting the settings, the Mobile App does not persist them. We need to implement that and also provide a "Reset to Defaults" button then, to go back to the...

Mobile App

The instructions refer to Cognitive Services, but now it seems to be called AI + Machine Learning, not Cognitive Services, on the Azure portal. The instructions need to be updated...


Unless I'm missing it in the walkthrough, there is no mention of updating BaseUrl or ApiManagementKey in mobile application. Without these, of course, the mobile app won't connect to the...
