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How to run win app driver desktop tests remotely
HI Guys,
I have created a small automated script using winappdriver to run and test a desktop application. i have installed a copy of this framework on 2 different vm's. is there a way i can control and run those tests remotely from my local ? without having to connect to vm and run the test from nunit console or visualstudio ? i know there is an issue with having an active remote session but if i resolve this by automating the process to connect to vm is there away to launch it remotely ?
You can write a small batch file and using the task scheduler can launch the automation other option would be to use Azure pipleline for your tests.
@anunay1 : We tried creating the Task scheduler for our Jenkins job, but since it doesn’t open Winappdriver in Interactive mode, hence the approach failed
@samkhayal - We were able to configure WAD on remote using instructions here :
Hello everyone, I don't know if others have finally found the solution. My case I use Jenkins to launch the run i.e. my desktop application which is in a VM. All works when the session is not locked. But once locked, the display scripts pass (System.out.println) and even the winappdriver launches correctly, however I can't click on the elements. Could you please help me.
@MamadouAlphaDiallo - You can find the solution which worked for us here :
@smilinrobin Thank you for your feedback, I would like to know did you have a problem initializing the driver with your IP address because I am stuck at this stage. WinAppDriver.exe 192.88.X.X 4723/wd/hub With this error message
Error adding url to url group Failed to initialize: 0x80004005
We did not face that error after configuring the firewall rules.
Hello @smilinrobin, it worked for me too. Thank you very much
Wow , awesome @MamadouAlphaDiallo . Did you have to do any extra configurations ?
Hello @smilinrobin, I think I rejoiced so quickly. Because this morning I see that: When my session is closed beyond 1 hour and I launch my tests, No interaction so my tests fail. On the other hand, when my session is closed for less than an hour, and I restart my tests, it works correctly. For configuration nothing special: In Jenkins I just put batch scripts Each launch of the jenkins run:
Before maven run 1 - SCHTASKS.EXE /RUN /TN "RunWD" 2 - cmdkey /generic:TERMSRV/Hostname/user:${user} /pass:${pass} 3 - cmdkey /delete:TERMSRV/Hostname
After maven run 4- SCHTASKS.EXE /End /TN "StartTestSession"
Without forgetting the logout-rdp batch script (run with admin) Configuration: General Run only when user is logged on. Trigers Begin the task: On disconnect from user session
For my part, the WAD taskill I do it daily at 8 a.m. (When there is no one performing) and 1 p.m. (for the moment at the break) Note: user and pass which is just specific to my application.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
@MamadouAlphaDiallo - If you see multiple issues with WinAppDriver , you can even try out : . They have active community support as well.
@smilinrobin Thank you for the link
Hello @smilinrobin sorry to bother you I come back to this problem after a break. I wanted to know how do you configure with the task scheduler logout-rdp.bat because I tried after creating the task: Trigger:
- On disconnect for user session
- On workstation lock But still a problem. And possibly Dim objResult Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Do While True objResult = objShell.sendkeys("{NUMLOCK}{NUMLOCK}") Wscript.Sleep(6000) Loop
with which trigger it is triggered. thanks in advance