VoTT copied to clipboard
Yolo Export Support
Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I want to use vott to label images for a yolov5 model. Instead of having to convert in an external program or service it would be nice if VOTT could export to the yolo format directly
Describe the solution you'd like the ability to export to the yolo format.
Describe alternatives you've considered python scripting or roboflow, python is fine but just an extra step, roboflow is paid and a extra step.
Make your own Python script to convert the CSV output to whatever you want.
Checkout https://roboflow.com/formats/yolo-darknet-txt
Here is a pyhton script to convert from VoTT CSV to Yolo label txt files.
from PIL import Image
from os import path, makedirs
import os
import re
import pandas as pd
import sys
import argparse
def get_parent_dir(n=1):
"""returns the n-th parent dicrectory of the current
working directory"""
current_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
for k in range(n):
current_path = os.path.dirname(current_path)
return current_path
sys.path.append(os.path.join(get_parent_dir(1), "Utils"))
from Convert_Format import convert_vott_csv_to_yolo
Data_Folder = os.path.join(get_parent_dir(1), "Data")
VoTT_Folder = os.path.join(
Data_Folder, "Source_Images", "Training_Images", "vott-csv-export"
VoTT_csv = os.path.join(VoTT_Folder, "Annotations-export.csv")
YOLO_filename = os.path.join(VoTT_Folder, "data_train.txt")
model_folder = os.path.join(Data_Folder, "Model_Weights")
classes_filename = os.path.join(model_folder, "data_classes.txt")
if __name__ == "__main__":
# surpress any inhereted default values
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(argument_default=argparse.SUPPRESS)
Command line options
help="Absolute path to the exported files from the image tagging step with VoTT. Default is "
+ VoTT_Folder,
help="Absolute path to the *.csv file exported from VoTT. Default is "
+ VoTT_csv,
help="Absolute path to the file where the annotations in YOLO format should be saved. Default is "
+ YOLO_filename,
FLAGS = parser.parse_args()
# Prepare the dataset for YOLO
multi_df = pd.read_csv(FLAGS.VoTT_csv)
labels = multi_df["label"].unique()
labeldict = dict(zip(labels, range(len(labels))))
multi_df.drop_duplicates(subset=None, keep="first", inplace=True)
train_path = FLAGS.VoTT_Folder
multi_df, labeldict, path=train_path, target_name=FLAGS.YOLO_filename
# Make classes file
file = open(classes_filename, "w")
# Sort Dict by Values
SortedLabelDict = sorted(labeldict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])
for elem in SortedLabelDict:
file.write(elem[0] + "\n")
Here is an NPM module I've written to do the conversion: https://www.npmjs.com/package/vott2yolo
One-liner : vott2yolo /path/to/labeled-files/**/*.json /path/to/project.vott