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how to gen unlabeled.json in my dataset

Open HeuristicLU opened this issue 2 years ago • 2 comments

DO you know how to gen unlabeled.json ? i use my custom dataset, thanks

HeuristicLU avatar Apr 01 '22 09:04 HeuristicLU

I am also using my own dataset; I followed the data partition described on readme with a small change with the symbolic link. I get partitioned data labeled and unlabeled, however the unlabeled data still has annotations. So I am not sure if it is correct or not.

luisfra19 avatar Apr 15 '22 15:04 luisfra19

I am also using my own dataset; I followed the data partition described on readme with a small change with the symbolic link. I get partitioned data labeled and unlabeled, however the unlabeled data still has annotations. So I am not sure if it is correct or not.

maybe u can read the raw format of unlabel_annotation.json in coco, and write a script, like {"images":[ {"file_name": "", "height": , "width": , "id": }, ...... ], "annotations": [], "categories": []}

xiangtaowong avatar Apr 16 '22 07:04 xiangtaowong