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[Run][New Plugin] Translation plugin
Request integrated translation function
for example:
/t one to CH
/t one to JP
It would be so nice to have a plugin for this, but no one seems to care about it :'(
removing in progress tag
I found a small script on Wiktionary that can be saved as a bookmark. If there is text selected - and you click the bookmark - it immediately searches for the word(s). If no text selected yet, it opens a small pop-up window to type in.
{function se(d) {
return d.selection ?%20d.selection.createRange().text%20:%20d.getSelection()}%20s%20=%20se(document);%20for%20(i=0;%20i%3Cframes.length%20&&%20!s;%20i++)%20s%20=%20se(frames[i].document);%20if%20(!s%20||%20s==%27%27)%20s%20=%20prompt(%27Enter%20search%20terms%20for%20Wiktionary%27,%27%27);%20open(%27https://en.wiktionary.org%27%20+%20(s%20?%20%27/w/index.php?title=Special:Search&search=%27%20+%20encodeURIComponent(s)%20:%20%27%27)).focus();
Maybe you can take a look at this plugin. Note that this plugin requires networking.