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CLI to call PowerRename
Description of the new feature / enhancement
As per https://github.com/microsoft/PowerToys/issues/20853.
The goal of this enhancement is to have PowerRename exposed via a CLI that can be called by Power Automate Desktop, a Windows service or some other desktop task scheduler.
(Copy-and-pasted from https://github.com/microsoft/PowerToys/issues/20853) In the latest version of Power Automate Desktop:
there is no way, other than "Run VBScript", to resize images. file renaming doesn't support regular expressions. PowerToys is great at these tasks so its a missed opportunity for the Power suite not to be able to leverage them.
Scenario when this would be used?
(Copy-and-pasted from https://github.com/microsoft/PowerToys/issues/20853)
The most useful current scenario for us would be to rename and resize photos automatically when they appear in a project particular folder.
For example, currently we have many engineers that take project related photographs and save them into the relevant project folders exactly as they are - they don't have the time to rename them or resize them so we have an administrator that has to rename the photos and resize them into 3 different dimension sets. Even using PowerToys, this process takes some time given the number of project folders and daily frequency that these tasks must be undertaken.
The rules for renaming are based on regular expressions and are repeatable but have to be carried out manually in each of 40-50 project folders several times a day. The resizing is also formulaic and repeatable but also carried out manually.
Instead of these manual processes, we could like to use Power Automate Desktop running on the admin's machine to parse project folders and undertake all renaming and resizing tasks automictically by calling into PowerToys.
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- Expose an interface to ImageResizer and PowerRename that can be called by Power Automate Desktop, a Windows service or other desktop task scheduler (#20853), similarity score: 0.85
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