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Add MonitorKeeper functionality to FancyZones please.
Description of the new feature / enhancement
Add MonitorKeeper functionality to FancyZones please.
Windows dont move back to external displays properly.
None of the options in FancyZones do what this small program does.
Scenario when this would be used?
When Windows (10) goes to sleep the monitors sleep as well moving windows to the primary display. Waking up displays does not result in windows staying where they were in multi-monitor configuration. This could only be laptop or laptop with docking station related. Also, changing monitor configuration between locations often puts windows in seemingly random spots.
Supporting information
Searching for solutions didn't offer much help, many many unhelpful results. Likely SFC /scannow and a bunch of other useless suggestions. I happened upon MonitorKeeper and it did exactly what I wanted right away.
Thank you for considering this suggestion. Love PowerToys
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Closed similar issues:
- [FancyZones] Persistent Windows - Keep Windows on Zones after Sleep (#10501), similarity score: 0.78
- FancyZone to remember window and zone layout after monitor setup change. (#13467), similarity score: 0.77
- Persistent Windows (#28930), similarity score: 0.76
- FancyZones: Restore windows to remembered zone when reconnecting monitor(s) (#1690), similarity score: 0.76
- Remember window placement from previous monitor configuration (#13103), similarity score: 0.75
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