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Add the possibility to activate the scrolling ability with the Right/3-d/4-th/5-th mouse button
Description of the new feature / enhancement
Add the possibility to activate the scrolling ability with the Right mouse button:
- when a user "press and hold" RMB and move a mouse - it'll scroll active/under_cursor window
- horisontally+vertically
Scenario when this would be used?
When I need to scroll some looong pages I have to use a scroll wheel several times. And for the pages that are wider than my screen - I have to "break the flow" and move a mouse to the bottom of the window to find a scroll bar and scroll horizontally.
With this functionality - I can scroll without moving my fingers at all, in one smooth action.
Supporting information
There is a similar app - MouseImp (https://www.mouseimp.com/download/ ) Src - https://www.mouseimp.com/mimppro_live_src.zip. It hooks scrolling on the right mouse button, so you can perform scrolling by press&hold RMB and moving the mouse up/down/left/right.
To work with some applications (new one), MouseImp need to add to the file C:\Program Files\Mouse Imp (64 bit)\mimpwnds.xml some lines. Smth like:
<!-- MS Visual Studio 2010 -->
<item wndclass="HwndWrapper[DefaultDomain" horscroll="false" lockedscrolldirection="true" lockedwheeldelta="true" />
<!-- Visio 2010 -->
<item wndclass="VISIO" horscroll="true" lockedscrolldirection="false" lockedwheeldelta="true" />
<!-- Opera 10 -->
<item wndclass="OpWindow" horscroll="false" lockedscrolldirection="false" lockedwheeldelta="true" />
<!-- Chrome -->
<item wndclass="Chrome_RenderWidgetHost" horscroll="false" lockedscrolldirection="false" lockedwheeldelta="true" />
and restart MouseImp.
Where wndclass="HwndWrapper[PowerToys" is the name of the class of the app window. The name should not match exactly. It matches the first symbols
This is what we need, but in both directions, horizontal and vertical: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLv_wAfVO9A