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Emoji Present
Description of the new feature / enhancement
Have the option in Power Toys to open an "ever present" emoji box. When the Emoji box is open, it should show the Emojis with the matching words as typed from any text field on the screen.
Scenario when this would be used?
When the Emoji Box is opened and when the user types a word, that matches an Emoji, it should show in the Emoji Box. Then if the user wants to use that emoji, just by the click of the button over the Emoji (no key presses) and then shows next to the word - in the front or back.
Eg. User types Delivery , then it should show 🚚Delivery or Delivery🚚.
This would apply to any text field on a web page, a text editor etc.
There should also be a parameter for the Emoji position in a word.
Eg. Set parameter third letter in the word.
Droplet, would then automatically do Dr💧plet.
Eg. Set parameter second letter in the word
Or Delivery would change to D🚚livery.
The other parameter select the O's Emojis, this could be random selection making up words that have o letters. L😍ve, G😄😄d, B🥱red etc.
Create Emojis Table for other words.
Proof of P💸yment a📎📎ached.
** PLE🙏SE em📧il Invoice and a c©py of the Courier Waybill (if d🚚livery on your part), once proof of p💸yment is verified.
Supporting information
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I don't see us doing this (but I don't have final decision). You could have more luck making this in another program, for example AutoHotkey is very powerfull.
I don't have that programming skill. I noticed by using the "::" emoji you are looking for "::" sometimes it pops up. But I'm hoping someone can develop and improve on the Emojis.