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Analyzers cpp turn on 4189
Turn on warning 4189, local variable is initialized but not referenced
PR Checklist
- [x] Continues towards: #940
- [x] Communication: I've discussed this with core contributors already. If work hasn't been agreed, this work might be rejected
- [x] Tests: Added/updated and all pass - no new tests
- [x] Localization: All end user facing strings can be localized - no new strings
- [ ] Dev docs: Added/updated
- [ ] New binaries: Added on the required places
- [ ] JSON for signing for new binaries
- [ ] WXS for installer for new binaries and localization folder
- [ ] YML for CI pipeline for new test projects
- [ ] YML for signed pipeline
- [ ] Documentation updated: If checked, please file a pull request on our docs repo and link it here: #xxx
Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments
Turn on warning 4189, local variable is initialized but not referenced. Mos of the warnings were generated by creating a variable to get the result return from a function. the solution applied was deleting this variables, discarding whatever the function returns.
Validation Steps Performed
Unit Tests and CI