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Python Tools for Visual Studio
fixes The VS testing team has recently changed test discovery such that on machines with multiple CPU cores, it can discover tests from different sources in parallel inside different...
Visual Studio 2022 When using search and replace in a project with a python virtual environment it goes into the installed modules. **Steps to Reproduce** 1. Create a virtual environment...
_This issue has been moved from [a ticket on Developer Community]( --- [severity:I'm unable to use this version] [regression] Open Installer Update 2022 + 2019 Visual Studio Error after starting...
_This issue has been moved from [a ticket on Developer Community]( --- [severity:It bothers me. A fix would be nice] The module "requests" in Python-app showns, but no works. If...
_This issue has been moved from [a ticket on Developer Community](;PackageActio/10138689)._ --- **Опишите проблему здесь** ===Не изменяйте текст ниже этой строки=== PackageId:CPython39.Exe.x64;PackageAction:Install;ReturnCode:1638; --- ### Original Comments #### Feedback Bot on...
_This issue has been moved from [a ticket on Developer Community]( --- [severity:It's more difficult to complete my work] I am using Visual Studio Community 2022 (64-bit) - Version 17.3.3...
_This issue has been moved from [a ticket on Developer Community]( --- [regression] [worked-in:17.2] In "C:\Users\Flori\source\repos\FloPei\Research Task\" ist kein Test verfügbar. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Testdiscoverer und -executors registriert...
_This issue has been moved from [a ticket on Developer Community]( --- How to reproduce the issue: 1. Create a Python command line application 2. Open the Project menu on...
_This issue has been moved from [a ticket on Developer Community](;PackageActio/10137026)._ --- [regression] **Describe your issue here** ===DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE=== PackageId:CPython39.Exe.x64;PackageAction:Install;ReturnCode:1638; --- ### Original Comments #### Feedback...
_This issue has been moved from [a ticket on Developer Community]( --- Hi Team, I found that my custom task list tokens don't work in VS 2022 for Python(But it...