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Catastrophic failure (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPECTED)) [FindActiveProjectCfg @ SolutionBuildManager.cs:2222]

Open aschiffl opened this issue 8 months ago • 5 comments

Describe the bug Error dialog when launching solution.

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[Expanded Information]
Build: 17.0.24064.1

Microsoft.VisualStudio.CommonIDE.Solutions.HResultExtensions+WrapperCOMException (0x8000FFFF): Catastrophic failure (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPECTED)) [FindActiveProjectCfg @ SolutionBuildManager.cs:2222] ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x8000FFFF): Catastrophic failure (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPECTED)) [FindActiveProjectCfg @ SolutionBuildManager.cs:2222]
   at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHRInternal(Int32 errorCode, IntPtr errorInfo)
   at Microsoft.VisualStudioTools.Project.ProjectNode.SetCurrentConfiguration()
   at Microsoft.PythonTools.Project.PythonProjectNode.SetCurrentConfiguration()
   at Microsoft.VisualStudioTools.Project.ProjectNode.GetMsBuildProperty(String propertyName, Boolean resetCache)
   at Microsoft.VisualStudioTools.Project.ProjectNode.GetProjectProperty(String propertyName, Boolean resetCache)
   at Microsoft.PythonTools.Project.CondaEnvCreateProjectInfoBar.<CheckAsync>d__4.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
   at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   at Microsoft.PythonTools.Infrastructure.VSTaskExtensions.<HandleAllExceptions>d__5.MoveNext()

Configuration information

Installed Version: Enterprise

ASP.NET and Web Tools 17.10.341.11210 ASP.NET and Web Tools

Azure App Service Tools v3.0.0 17.10.341.11210 Azure App Service Tools v3.0.0

C# Tools 4.10.0-3.24303.7+bef690dda43733707d7dccea9868fe51f34eb8a0 C# components used in the IDE. Depending on your project type and settings, a different version of the compiler may be used.

Common Azure Tools 1.10 Provides common services for use by Azure Mobile Services and Microsoft Azure Tools.

Cookiecutter 17.0.24064.1 Provides tools for finding, instantiating and customizing templates in cookiecutter format.

GitHub Copilot 0.2.889.30432 GitHub Copilot is an AI pair programmer that helps you write code faster and with less work.

Microsoft JVM Debugger 1.0 Provides support for connecting the Visual Studio debugger to JDWP compatible Java Virtual Machines

NuGet Package Manager 6.10.1 NuGet Package Manager in Visual Studio. For more information about NuGet, visit

Python - Profiling support 17.0.24064.1 Profiling support for Python projects.

Python with Pylance 17.0.24064.1 Provides IntelliSense, projects, templates, debugging, interactive windows, and other support for Python developers.

Razor (ASP.NET Core) Provides languages services for ASP.NET Core Razor.

SQL Server Data Tools Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools

TypeScript Tools 17.0.30327.2001 TypeScript Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio

Visual Basic Tools 4.10.0-3.24303.7+bef690dda43733707d7dccea9868fe51f34eb8a0 Visual Basic components used in the IDE. Depending on your project type and settings, a different version of the compiler may be used.

Visual F# Tools 17.10.0-beta.24228.1+dd749058c91585e9b5dae62b0f8df892429ee28f Microsoft Visual F# Tools

Visual Studio IntelliCode 2.2 AI-assisted development for Visual Studio.

aschiffl avatar Jun 17 '24 17:06 aschiffl