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Unexpected error occured. About Conda env.

Open nerkasnimo opened this issue 1 year ago • 0 comments

Describe the bug

Conda environments and anaconda installation can not be seen at visual studio after python 3.12 uninstall, install 3.11 .
Then vs gave me error something below.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. System is working normally at the situation is anaconda install, anaconda env folder changed to another location (D:\Conda\Envs_Custom), global python (3.12 ) install, visual studio 2022 comm. install

  2. Visual studio give me warning about python version and i want to downgrade.

  3. global i uninstall 3.12, install python 3.11,

  4. "visual studio" cant see conda env anymore. gave me error something below. i cant create conda environment from "visual studio code" terminal anymore. cant find "conda" .

  5. then i install python 3.9 in vs . but nothing changed. finally i uninstalled all except python 3.11.

Expected behavior normally conda environments can be seen at visual studio automaticly, but i couldnt see now . if i try to add manuelly at "python environment/add env/conda environment", i see this : this require the conda installation, you sould install conda or miniconda (something like that. this is translation). but conda is working properly. actual conda environment folder path is : "D:\Conda\Envs_Custom" . but there is no lib folder in it. actually there is no lib folder at default (users/user/anaconda3/envs/) conda environment too.

Additional context and screenshots error message: [Window Title] devenv.exe

[Main Instruction] Beklenmeyen bir hata oluştu (translation: unexpected error occured)

[Content] Bu iletişim kutusunun içeriğini kopyalayarak bu hatayı sorun izleyicimize bildirmek için lütfen Ctrl+C tuşlarına basın.

[^] Ayrıntıları gizle [Kapat]

[Expanded Information]

Build: 17.0.23262.1

System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: 'D:\Conda\Envs_Custom\Lib' yolunun bir parçası bulunamadı. (translatation: "folder_path" some piece's of path cant find.)  
   konum: System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
   konum: System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1.CommonInit()
   konum: System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1..ctor(String path, String originalUserPath, String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption, SearchResultHandler`1 resultHandler, Boolean checkHost)
   konum: System.IO.Directory.EnumerateDirectories(String path, String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption)
   konum: Microsoft.PythonTools.Interpreter.PackageManagerFactoryExtensions.<GetModulesInLib>d__1.MoveNext()
   konum: Microsoft.PythonTools.Interpreter.PackageManagerFactoryExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass0_0.<HasModuleAsync>b__0()
   konum: System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.InnerInvoke()
   konum: System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
--- Özel durumun oluşturulduğu önceki konumdan başlayan yığın izlemesinin sonu ---
   konum: System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   konum: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   konum: Microsoft.PythonTools.Interpreter.PackageManagerFactoryExtensions.<HasModuleAsync>d__0.MoveNext()
--- Özel durumun oluşturulduğu önceki konumdan başlayan yığın izlemesinin sonu ---
   konum: System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   konum: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   konum: Microsoft.PythonTools.Environments.AddVirtualEnvironmentView.<UpdateInterpreterAsync>d__114.MoveNext()
--- Özel durumun oluşturulduğu önceki konumdan başlayan yığın izlemesinin sonu ---
   konum: System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
   konum: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
   konum: Microsoft.PythonTools.Infrastructure.VSTaskExtensions.<HandleAllExceptions>d__5.MoveNext()

Sample Code


Configuration information (If you are providing a diagnostics file (see below), skip this section) VS Version: 17.8.6 PTVS version: 17.0.23262.1 Python version: global python installation is 3.11. i didnt install in vs. Debugger Type (if applicable): [New debugger or legacy debugger?]

full system info:

Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 Sürüm: 17.8.6 VisualStudio.17.Release/17.8.6+34525.116 Microsoft .NET Framework Sürüm: 4.8.09037

Yüklü Sürüm: Community

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Azure Data Lake Tools for Visual Studio 2.6.5000.0 Microsoft Azure Data Lake Tools for Visual Studio

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Common Azure Tools 1.10 Provides common services for use by Azure Mobile Services and Microsoft Azure Tools.

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Microsoft JVM Debugger 1.0 Provides support for connecting the Visual Studio debugger to JDWP compatible Java Virtual Machines

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NuGet Paket Yöneticisi 6.8.0 Visual Studio'da NuGet Paket Yöneticisi. NuGet hakkında daha fazla bilgi için adresini ziyaret edin

Pylance ile Python 17.0.23262.1 Python geliştiricileri için IntelliSense, projeler, şablonlar, hata ayıklama, etkileşimli pencereler ve diğer destekleri sağlar.

Python - Django desteği 17.0.23262.1 Django web çerçevesi için şablonlar ve tümleştirme sağlar.

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Visual Basic Araçları 4.8.0-7.23572.1+7b75981cf3bd520b86ec4ed00ec156c8bc48e4eb IDE’de kullanılan Visual Basic bileşenleri. Projenizin türüne ve ayarlarına bağlı olarak, derleyicinin farklı bir sürümü kullanılabilir.

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Diagnostics file The diagnostics file contains information such as the Python version, environments, loaded assemblies, configuration options, etc. This file makes it easier for us to reproduce and fix bugs, so we would really appreciate it if you could provide it to us. To locate the logs, you can can follow these steps:

  1. Open the File Explorer on your computer.
  2. In the address bar at the top of the window, type %TEMP% and press Enter.
  3. The %TEMP% folder should open, look for file named PythonToolsDiagnostics_*.log, where * represents a series of numbers.

This file contain the diagnostic information that can help us diagnose and resolve the issue you're experiencing. Please note that the %TEMP% folder is a hidden system folder, so you may need to enable the display of hidden files and folders in File Explorer to see it. To do this, click on the "View" tab in File Explorer, then check the "Hidden items" box in the "Show/hide" section. You can attach the file to this issue or email it to us at [email protected]. If you email it, please add a link to this issue.


Python 3.11.7 (64-bit)_20240210080956_008_core_JustForMe.log Python 3.12.1 (64-bit)_20240209223539.log Python 3.12.1 (64-bit)_20240209223539_000_path_AllUsers.log Python 3.12.1 (64-bit)_20240209223539_001_pip_AllUsers.log Python 3.12.1 (64-bit)_20240209223539_002_tcltk_AllUsers.log Python 3.12.1 (64-bit)_20240209223539_003_doc_AllUsers.log Python 3.12.1 (64-bit)_20240209223539_004_test_AllUsers.log Python 3.12.1 (64-bit)_20240209223539_005_lib_AllUsers.log Python 3.12.1 (64-bit)_20240209223539_006_dev_AllUsers.log Python 3.12.1 (64-bit)_20240209223539_007_exe_AllUsers.log Python 3.12.1 (64-bit)_20240209223539_008_core_AllUsers.log Python 3.9.13 (64-bit)_20240210080803.log Python 3.9.13 (64-bit)_20240210080803_000_pip_AllUsers.log Python 3.9.13 (64-bit)_20240210080803_001_tcltk_AllUsers_pdb.log Python 3.9.13 (64-bit)_20240210080803_002_tcltk_AllUsers.log Python 3.9.13 (64-bit)_20240210080803_003_tools_AllUsers.log Python 3.9.13 (64-bit)_20240210080803_004_doc_AllUsers.log Python 3.9.13 (64-bit)_20240210080803_005_test_AllUsers_pdb.log Python 3.9.13 (64-bit)_20240210080803_006_test_AllUsers.log Python 3.9.13 (64-bit)_20240210080803_007_lib_AllUsers_pdb.log Python 3.9.13 (64-bit)_20240210080803_008_lib_AllUsers.log Python 3.9.13 (64-bit)_20240210080803_009_dev_AllUsers.log Python 3.9.13 (64-bit)_20240210080803_010_exe_AllUsers_pdb.log Python 3.9.13 (64-bit)_20240210080803_011_exe_AllUsers.log Python 3.9.13 (64-bit)_20240210080803_012_core_AllUsers_pdb.log Python 3.9.13 (64-bit)_20240210080803_013_core_AllUsers.log Python 3.11.7 (64-bit)_20240209223726.log Python 3.11.7 (64-bit)_20240209223726_000_core_JustForMe.log Python 3.11.7 (64-bit)_20240209223726_001_exe_JustForMe.log Python 3.11.7 (64-bit)_20240209223726_002_dev_JustForMe.log Python 3.11.7 (64-bit)_20240209223726_003_lib_JustForMe.log Python 3.11.7 (64-bit)_20240209223726_004_test_JustForMe.log Python 3.11.7 (64-bit)_20240209223726_005_doc_JustForMe.log Python 3.11.7 (64-bit)_20240209223726_006_tools_JustForMe.log Python 3.11.7 (64-bit)_20240209223726_007_tcltk_JustForMe.log Python 3.11.7 (64-bit)_20240209223726_008_pip_JustForMe.log Python 3.11.7 (64-bit)_20240210080956.log Python 3.11.7 (64-bit)_20240210080956_000_pip_JustForMe.log Python 3.11.7 (64-bit)_20240210080956_001_tcltk_JustForMe.log Python 3.11.7 (64-bit)_20240210080956_002_tools_JustForMe.log Python 3.11.7 (64-bit)_20240210080956_003_doc_JustForMe.log Python 3.11.7 (64-bit)_20240210080956_004_test_JustForMe.log Python 3.11.7 (64-bit)_20240210080956_005_lib_JustForMe.log Python 3.11.7 (64-bit)_20240210080956_006_dev_JustForMe.log Python 3.11.7 (64-bit)_20240210080956_007_exe_JustForMe.log

nerkasnimo avatar Feb 10 '24 07:02 nerkasnimo