Oryx copied to clipboard
No HTTP triggers found
Bug Report
At what date and time did you most recently experience the problem? Experiencing this problem on 1/2/2023
Where did you experience the problem? E.g. Azure Web Apps, Azure Functions, Azure Container Registry, or offline use. Experienced the problem while trying to deploy an HTTP request-triggered function to azure.
If your repo is publicly available please share its URL: I used VSCode Azure Functions extension to create a quick-start http request. I also created a python virtual environment to run locally.
What happened? I followed this walkthrough: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/create-first-function-vs-code-python?pivots=python-mode-decorators#publish-the-project-to-azure, with the only change I made found here: https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/issues/103178.
The function and trigger work when testing locally through azurite. Once I got to deploying the function from vscode, I received the output: "No HTTP triggers found". The function and trigger work when testing locally through azurite.
After the upload has been attempted, I can however see the project files that I uploaded under the "files" dropdown when viewing azure subscription through vscode.
What did you expect or want to happen? I expected the function to deploy
How can we reproduce it? Follow the walkthrough and make the replacement.
Do you have log output? Please include between the backticks:
11:41:54 PM testing124234: Starting deployment...
11:41:56 PM testing124234: Creating zip package...
11:41:56 PM testing124234: Zip package size: 3.75 kB
11:41:54 PM testing124234: Fetching changes.
11:41:55 PM testing124234: Cleaning up temp folders from previous zip deployments and extracting pushed zip file /tmp/zipdeploy/1aef5e85-af84-406a-9215-dff0086cc290.zip (0.00 MB) to /tmp/zipdeploy/extracted
11:41:57 PM testing124234: Updating submodules.
11:41:58 PM testing124234: Preparing deployment for commit id '68704b96-4'.
11:41:58 PM testing124234: PreDeployment: context.CleanOutputPath False
11:41:58 PM testing124234: PreDeployment: context.OutputPath /home/site/wwwroot
11:41:58 PM testing124234: Repository path is /tmp/zipdeploy/extracted
11:41:58 PM testing124234: Running oryx build...
11:41:58 PM testing124234: Command: oryx build /tmp/zipdeploy/extracted -o /home/site/wwwroot --platform python --platform-version 3.9.7 -p packagedir=.python_packages/lib/site-packages
11:41:59 PM testing124234: Operation performed by Microsoft Oryx, https://github.com/Microsoft/Oryx
11:41:59 PM testing124234: You can report issues at https://github.com/Microsoft/Oryx/issues
11:41:59 PM testing124234: Oryx Version: 0.2.20210120.1, Commit: 66c7820d7df527aaffabd2563a49ad57930999c9, ReleaseTagName: 20210120.1
11:41:59 PM testing124234: Build Operation ID: |2JLrmJIE0Vo=.db19ac63_
11:41:59 PM testing124234: Repository Commit : 68704b96-4c46-4c30-bf62-29de88faeecb
11:41:59 PM testing124234: Detecting platforms...
11:42:00 PM testing124234: Detected following platforms:
11:42:00 PM testing124234: python: 3.9.7
11:42:00 PM testing124234: Version '3.9.7' of platform 'python' is not installed. Generating script to install it...
11:42:00 PM testing124234: Source directory : /tmp/zipdeploy/extracted
11:42:00 PM testing124234: Destination directory: /home/site/wwwroot
11:42:00 PM testing124234: Downloading and extracting 'python' version '3.9.7' to '/tmp/oryx/platforms/python/3.9.7'...
11:42:01 PM testing124234: Downloaded in 1 sec(s).
11:42:01 PM testing124234: Verifying checksum...
11:42:02 PM testing124234: Extracting contents...
11:42:04 PM testing124234: Done in 4 sec(s).
11:42:04 PM testing124234: Python Version: /tmp/oryx/platforms/python/3.9.7/bin/python3.9
11:42:04 PM testing124234: Running pip install...
11:42:05 PM testing124234: [04:42:05+0000] Collecting azure-functions
11:42:05 PM testing124234: [04:42:05+0000] Downloading azure_functions-1.12.0-py3-none-any.whl (160 kB)
11:42:05 PM testing124234: [04:42:05+0000] Installing collected packages: azure-functions
11:42:05 PM testing124234: [04:42:05+0000] Successfully installed azure-functions-1.12.0
11:42:05 PM testing124234: WARNING: You are using pip version 20.2.3; however, version 22.3.1 is available.
11:42:05 PM testing124234: You should consider upgrading via the '/tmp/oryx/platforms/python/3.9.7/bin/python3.9 -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.
11:42:05 PM testing124234: Done in 1 sec(s).
11:42:05 PM testing124234: Preparing output...
11:42:05 PM testing124234: Copying files to destination directory '/home/site/wwwroot'...
11:42:05 PM testing124234: Done in 0 sec(s).
11:42:05 PM testing124234: Removing existing manifest file
11:42:05 PM testing124234: Creating a manifest file...
11:42:05 PM testing124234: Manifest file created.
11:42:05 PM testing124234: Done in 5 sec(s).
11:42:07 PM testing124234: Running post deployment command(s)...
11:42:07 PM testing124234: Generating summary of Oryx build
11:42:07 PM testing124234: Deployment Log file does not exist in /tmp/oryx-build.log
11:42:07 PM testing124234: The logfile at /tmp/oryx-build.log is empty. Unable to fetch the summary of build
11:42:07 PM testing124234: Triggering recycle (preview mode disabled).
11:42:07 PM testing124234: Linux Consumption plan has a 1.5 GB memory limit on a remote build container.
11:42:07 PM testing124234: To check our service limit, please visit https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/functions-scale#service-limits
11:42:07 PM testing124234: Writing the artifacts to a squashfs file
11:42:07 PM testing124234: Parallel mksquashfs: Using 1 processor
11:42:07 PM testing124234: Creating 4.0 filesystem on /home/site/artifacts/functionappartifact.squashfs, block size 131072.
11:42:07 PM testing124234: [===============================================================|] 132/132 100%
11:42:07 PM testing124234: Exportable Squashfs 4.0 filesystem, gzip compressed, data block size 131072
11:42:07 PM testing124234: compressed data, compressed metadata, compressed fragments, compressed xattrs
11:42:07 PM testing124234: duplicates are removed
11:42:07 PM testing124234: Filesystem size 315.78 Kbytes (0.31 Mbytes)
11:42:07 PM testing124234: 27.20% of uncompressed filesystem size (1160.89 Kbytes)
11:42:07 PM testing124234: Inode table size 1401 bytes (1.37 Kbytes)
11:42:07 PM testing124234: 28.79% of uncompressed inode table size (4866 bytes)
11:42:07 PM testing124234: Directory table size 1467 bytes (1.43 Kbytes)
11:42:07 PM testing124234: 37.07% of uncompressed directory table size (3957 bytes)
11:42:07 PM testing124234: Number of duplicate files found 3
11:42:07 PM testing124234: Number of inodes 152
11:42:07 PM testing124234: Number of files 135
11:42:07 PM testing124234: Number of fragments 11
11:42:07 PM testing124234: Number of symbolic links 0
11:42:07 PM testing124234: Number of device nodes 0
11:42:07 PM testing124234: Number of fifo nodes 0
11:42:07 PM testing124234: Number of socket nodes 0
11:42:07 PM testing124234: Number of directories 17
11:42:07 PM testing124234: Number of ids (unique uids + gids) 1
11:42:07 PM testing124234: Number of uids 1
11:42:07 PM testing124234: root (0)
11:42:07 PM testing124234: Number of gids 1
11:42:07 PM testing124234: root (0)
11:42:07 PM testing124234: Creating placeholder blob for linux consumption function app...
11:42:07 PM testing124234: SCM_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE placeholder blob scm-latest-testing124234.zip located
11:42:07 PM testing124234: Uploading built content /home/site/artifacts/functionappartifact.squashfs for linux consumption function app...
11:42:08 PM testing124234: Resetting all workers for testing124234.azurewebsites.net
11:42:08 PM testing124234: Deployment successful. deployer = ms-azuretools-vscode deploymentPath = Functions App ZipDeploy. Extract zip. Remote build.
11:42:36 PM testing124234: Syncing triggers...
11:42:39 PM testing124234: Querying triggers...
11:42:40 PM testing124234: No HTTP triggers found.
Hi @JackH11,
Thank you for submitting this ticket. Seems to be related to https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-azurefunctions/issues/2529
I have the same issue, even when trying to use a default template Http Trigger example.
Thanks @IlyaBelykh for reaching out. Could you please share logs if you have them available?
Could you please share logs if you have them available?
My logs seem pretty much the same as the ones given:
6:18:39 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Starting deployment...
6:18:42 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Creating zip package...
6:19:00 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Zip package size: 27 MB
6:18:53 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Fetching changes.
6:18:55 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Cleaning up temp folders from previous zip deployments and extracting pushed zip file /tmp/zipdeploy/ffac5942-3325-4556-b0e8-c3e8663410f4.zip (26.13 MB) to /tmp/zipdeploy/extracted
6:18:59 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Updating submodules.
6:19:00 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Preparing deployment for commit id 'b1537980-2'.
6:19:00 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: PreDeployment: context.CleanOutputPath False
6:19:00 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: PreDeployment: context.OutputPath /home/site/wwwroot
6:19:00 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Repository path is /tmp/zipdeploy/extracted
6:19:00 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Running oryx build...
6:19:00 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Command: oryx build /tmp/zipdeploy/extracted -o /home/site/wwwroot --platform python --platform-version 3.9.7 -p packagedir=.python_packages/lib/site-packages
6:19:03 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Operation performed by Microsoft Oryx, https://github.com/Microsoft/Oryx
6:19:03 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: You can report issues at https://github.com/Microsoft/Oryx/issues
6:19:03 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Oryx Version: 0.2.20210120.1, Commit: 66c7820d7df527aaffabd2563a49ad57930999c9, ReleaseTagName: 20210120.1
6:19:03 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Build Operation ID: |MUyOZgJXGGw=.72309cb7_
6:19:03 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Repository Commit : b1537980-2de8-4b53-9f85-61b22740dbdb
6:19:03 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Detecting platforms...
6:19:04 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Detected following platforms:
6:19:04 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: python: 3.9.7
6:19:04 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Version '3.9.7' of platform 'python' is not installed. Generating script to install it...
6:19:05 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Source directory : /tmp/zipdeploy/extracted
6:19:05 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Destination directory: /home/site/wwwroot
6:19:05 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Downloading and extracting 'python' version '3.9.7' to '/tmp/oryx/platforms/python/3.9.7'...
6:19:06 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Downloaded in 1 sec(s).
6:19:06 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Verifying checksum...
6:19:06 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Extracting contents...
6:19:10 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Done in 5 sec(s).
6:19:10 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Python Version: /tmp/oryx/platforms/python/3.9.7/bin/python3.9
6:19:10 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Running pip install...
6:19:11 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:11+0000] Collecting azure-functions
6:19:11 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:11+0000] Downloading azure_functions-1.12.0-py3-none-any.whl (160 kB)
6:19:11 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:11+0000] Collecting azure-storage-blob
6:19:11 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:11+0000] Downloading azure_storage_blob-12.14.1-py3-none-any.whl (383 kB)
6:19:11 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:11+0000] Collecting azure-data-tables
6:19:11 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:11+0000] Downloading azure_data_tables-12.4.1-py3-none-any.whl (114 kB)
6:19:11 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:11+0000] Collecting azure-identity
6:19:11 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:11+0000] Downloading azure_identity-1.12.0-py3-none-any.whl (135 kB)
6:19:12 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:12+0000] Collecting pypdf
6:19:12 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:12+0000] Downloading pypdf-3.3.0-py3-none-any.whl (239 kB)
6:19:12 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:12+0000] Collecting azure-core<2.0.0,>=1.24.2
6:19:12 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:12+0000] Downloading azure_core-1.26.2-py3-none-any.whl (173 kB)
6:19:12 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:12+0000] Collecting msrest>=0.7.1
6:19:12 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:12+0000] Downloading msrest-0.7.1-py3-none-any.whl (85 kB)
6:19:13 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:13+0000] Collecting cryptography>=2.1.4
6:19:13 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:13+0000] Downloading cryptography-39.0.0-cp36-abi3-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl (4.2 MB)
6:19:14 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:14+0000] Collecting yarl<2.0,>=1.0
6:19:14 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:14+0000] Downloading yarl-1.8.2-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl (264 kB)
6:19:14 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:14+0000] Collecting six>=1.12.0
6:19:14 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:14+0000] Downloading six-1.16.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (11 kB)
6:19:14 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:14+0000] Collecting msal-extensions<2.0.0,>=0.3.0
6:19:14 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:14+0000] Downloading msal_extensions-1.0.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (19 kB)
6:19:14 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:14+0000] Collecting msal<2.0.0,>=1.12.0
6:19:14 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:14+0000] Downloading msal-1.20.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (90 kB)
6:19:14 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:14+0000] Collecting typing_extensions>=; python_version < "3.10"
6:19:14 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:14+0000] Downloading typing_extensions-4.4.0-py3-none-any.whl (26 kB)
6:19:15 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:15+0000] Collecting requests>=2.18.4
6:19:15 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:15+0000] Downloading requests-2.28.2-py3-none-any.whl (62 kB)
6:19:15 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:15+0000] Collecting isodate>=0.6.0
6:19:15 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:15+0000] Downloading isodate-0.6.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (41 kB)
6:19:15 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:15+0000] Collecting certifi>=2017.4.17
6:19:15 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:15+0000] Downloading certifi-2022.12.7-py3-none-any.whl (155 kB)
6:19:15 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:15+0000] Collecting requests-oauthlib>=0.5.0
6:19:15 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:15+0000] Downloading requests_oauthlib-1.3.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (23 kB)
6:19:16 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:16+0000] Collecting cffi>=1.12
6:19:16 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:16+0000] Downloading cffi-1.15.1-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl (441 kB)
6:19:16 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:16+0000] Collecting idna>=2.0
6:19:16 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:16+0000] Downloading idna-3.4-py3-none-any.whl (61 kB)
6:19:17 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:17+0000] Collecting multidict>=4.0
6:19:17 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:17+0000] Downloading multidict-6.0.4-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl (114 kB)
6:19:17 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:17+0000] Collecting portalocker<3,>=1.0; python_version >= "3.5" and platform_system != "Windows"
6:19:17 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:17+0000] Downloading portalocker-2.7.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (15 kB)
6:19:18 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:18+0000] Collecting PyJWT[crypto]<3,>=1.0.0
6:19:18 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:18+0000] Downloading PyJWT-2.6.0-py3-none-any.whl (20 kB)
6:19:18 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:18+0000] Collecting urllib3<1.27,>=1.21.1
6:19:19 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:18+0000] Downloading urllib3-1.26.14-py2.py3-none-any.whl (140 kB)
6:19:19 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:18+0000] Collecting charset-normalizer<4,>=2
6:19:19 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:18+0000] Downloading charset_normalizer-3.0.1-cp39-cp39-manylinux_2_17_x86_64.manylinux2014_x86_64.whl (198 kB)
6:19:19 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:18+0000] Collecting oauthlib>=3.0.0
6:19:19 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:18+0000] Downloading oauthlib-3.2.2-py3-none-any.whl (151 kB)
6:19:19 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:18+0000] Collecting pycparser
6:19:19 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:18+0000] Downloading pycparser-2.21-py2.py3-none-any.whl (118 kB)
6:19:19 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:19+0000] Installing collected packages: azure-functions, six, urllib3, charset-normalizer, idna, certifi, requests, typing-extensions, azure-core, isodate, oauthlib, requests-oauthlib, msrest, pycparser, cffi, cryptography, azure-storage-blob, multidict, yarl, azure-data-tables, PyJWT, msal, portalocker, msal-extensions, azure-identity, pypdf
6:19:24 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [15:19:24+0000] Successfully installed PyJWT-2.6.0 azure-core-1.26.2 azure-data-tables-12.4.1 azure-functions-1.12.0 azure-identity-1.12.0 azure-storage-blob-12.14.1 certifi-2022.12.7 cffi-1.15.1 charset-normalizer-3.0.1 cryptography-39.0.0 idna-3.4 isodate-0.6.1 msal-1.20.0 msal-extensions-1.0.0 msrest-0.7.1 multidict-6.0.4 oauthlib-3.2.2 portalocker-2.7.0 pycparser-2.21 pypdf-3.3.0 requests-2.28.2 requests-oauthlib-1.3.1 six-1.16.0 typing-extensions-4.4.0 urllib3-1.26.14 yarl-1.8.2
6:19:24 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: WARNING: You are using pip version 20.2.3; however, version 22.3.1 is available.
6:19:24 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: You should consider upgrading via the '/tmp/oryx/platforms/python/3.9.7/bin/python3.9 -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.
6:19:24 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Done in 14 sec(s).
6:19:24 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Preparing output...
6:19:24 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Copying files to destination directory '/home/site/wwwroot'...
6:19:26 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Done in 2 sec(s).
6:19:26 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Removing existing manifest file
6:19:26 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Creating a manifest file...
6:19:26 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Manifest file created.
6:19:26 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Done in 21 sec(s).
6:19:28 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Running post deployment command(s)...
6:19:28 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Generating summary of Oryx build
6:19:28 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Deployment Log file does not exist in /tmp/oryx-build.log
6:19:28 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: The logfile at /tmp/oryx-build.log is empty. Unable to fetch the summary of build
6:19:28 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Triggering recycle (preview mode disabled).
6:19:28 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Linux Consumption plan has a 1.5 GB memory limit on a remote build container.
6:19:28 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: To check our service limit, please visit https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/functions-scale#service-limits
6:19:28 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Writing the artifacts to a squashfs file
6:19:48 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Parallel mksquashfs: Using 1 processor
6:19:48 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Creating 4.0 filesystem on /home/site/artifacts/functionappartifact.squashfs, block size 131072.
6:19:50 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: [=============================================================|] 5837/5837 100%
6:19:50 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Exportable Squashfs 4.0 filesystem, gzip compressed, data block size 131072
6:19:50 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: compressed data, compressed metadata, compressed fragments, compressed xattrs
6:19:50 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: duplicates are removed
6:19:50 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Filesystem size 31808.20 Kbytes (31.06 Mbytes)
6:19:50 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: 32.30% of uncompressed filesystem size (98480.33 Kbytes)
6:19:50 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Inode table size 59927 bytes (58.52 Kbytes)
6:19:50 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: 29.42% of uncompressed inode table size (203710 bytes)
6:19:50 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Directory table size 60102 bytes (58.69 Kbytes)
6:19:50 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: 35.86% of uncompressed directory table size (167624 bytes)
6:19:50 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Number of duplicate files found 816
6:19:50 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Number of inodes 6311
6:19:50 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Number of files 5555
6:19:50 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Number of fragments 386
6:19:50 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Number of symbolic links 0
6:19:50 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Number of device nodes 0
6:19:50 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Number of fifo nodes 0
6:19:50 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Number of socket nodes 0
6:19:50 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Number of directories 756
6:19:50 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Number of ids (unique uids + gids) 1
6:19:50 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Number of uids 1
6:19:50 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: root (0)
6:19:50 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Number of gids 1
6:19:50 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: root (0)
6:19:50 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Creating placeholder blob for linux consumption function app...
6:19:50 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: SCM_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE placeholder blob scm-latest-hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder.zip located
6:19:50 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Uploading built content /home/site/artifacts/functionappartifact.squashfs for linux consumption function app...
6:19:52 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Resetting all workers for hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder.azurewebsites.net
6:19:52 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Deployment successful. deployer = ms-azuretools-vscode deploymentPath = Functions App ZipDeploy. Extract zip. Remote build.
6:20:27 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Syncing triggers...
6:20:37 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: Querying triggers...
6:20:43 PM hwm-azfn-pdfbuilder: No HTTP triggers found.
I also must specify that I am using the V2 programming model. When uploading the V1 programming model function, it works perfectly fine.
As I was running into a similar issue. I found I missed a step from the documentation, which enables the HTTP triggers to be found.
Not sure if related to this specific issue, but might help others coming here with similar.
Hi Any Update on this I am still getting the same issue. I can run the azure function locally but when I try to deploy it I get the same logs.
add AzureWebJobsFeatureFlags with a value of EnableWorkerIndexing follow the steps below https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/create-first-function-vs-code-python?pivots=python-mode-decorators#update-app-settings
I've the same error, even if I've added the AzureWebJobsFeatureFlags
application setting.
Here the log:
5:27:23 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Starting deployment... 5:27:23 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Creating zip package... 5:27:23 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Zip package size: 5.27 kB 5:27:25 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Fetching changes. 5:27:26 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Cleaning up temp folders from previous zip deployments and extracting pushed zip file /tmp/zipdeploy/2d344639-006c-47d4-a058-27bd4f3801e5.zip (0.01 MB) to /tmp/zipdeploy/extracted 5:27:28 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Updating submodules. 5:27:29 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Preparing deployment for commit id '0ecf7072-f'. 5:27:29 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: PreDeployment: context.CleanOutputPath False 5:27:29 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: PreDeployment: context.OutputPath /home/site/wwwroot 5:27:29 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Repository path is /tmp/zipdeploy/extracted 5:27:29 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Running oryx build... 5:27:29 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Command: oryx build /tmp/zipdeploy/extracted -o /home/site/wwwroot --platform python --platform-version 3.8.6 -p packagedir=.python_packages/lib/site-packages 5:27:30 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Operation performed by Microsoft Oryx, https://github.com/Microsoft/Oryx 5:27:30 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: You can report issues at https://github.com/Microsoft/Oryx/issues 5:27:30 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Oryx Version: 0.2.20210120.1, Commit: 66c7820d7df527aaffabd2563a49ad57930999c9, ReleaseTagName: 20210120.1 5:27:30 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Build Operation ID: |RHE1ane8Yq0=.8404e5da_ 5:27:30 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Repository Commit : 0ecf7072-f804-4e84-aa4e-68cd2426f3a1 5:27:30 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Detecting platforms... 5:27:31 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Detected following platforms: 5:27:31 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: python: 3.8.6 5:27:31 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Version '3.8.6' of platform 'python' is not installed. Generating script to install it... 5:27:32 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Source directory : /tmp/zipdeploy/extracted 5:27:32 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Destination directory: /home/site/wwwroot 5:27:32 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Downloading and extracting 'python' version '3.8.6' to '/tmp/oryx/platforms/python/3.8.6'... 5:27:33 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Downloaded in 1 sec(s). 5:27:33 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Verifying checksum... 5:27:33 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Extracting contents... 5:27:36 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Done in 4 sec(s). 5:27:36 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Python Version: /tmp/oryx/platforms/python/3.8.6/bin/python3.8 5:27:36 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Running pip install... 5:27:36 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: [15:27:36+0000] Collecting azure-functions 5:27:36 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: [15:27:36+0000] Downloading azure_functions-1.13.3-py3-none-any.whl (163 kB) 5:27:37 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: [15:27:37+0000] Installing collected packages: azure-functions 5:27:37 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: [15:27:37+0000] Successfully installed azure-functions-1.13.3 5:27:37 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: WARNING: You are using pip version 20.2.3; however, version 23.0.1 is available. 5:27:37 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: You should consider upgrading via the '/tmp/oryx/platforms/python/3.8.6/bin/python3.8 -m pip install --upgrade pip' command. 5:27:37 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Done in 1 sec(s). 5:27:37 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Preparing output... 5:27:37 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Copying files to destination directory '/home/site/wwwroot'... 5:27:37 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Done in 0 sec(s). 5:27:37 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Removing existing manifest file 5:27:37 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Creating a manifest file... 5:27:37 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Manifest file created. 5:27:37 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Done in 5 sec(s). 5:27:38 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Running post deployment command(s)... 5:27:38 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Generating summary of Oryx build 5:27:38 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Deployment Log file does not exist in /tmp/oryx-build.log 5:27:38 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: The logfile at /tmp/oryx-build.log is empty. Unable to fetch the summary of build 5:27:38 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Triggering recycle (preview mode disabled). 5:27:38 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Linux Consumption plan has a 1.5 GB memory limit on a remote build container. 5:27:38 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: To check our service limit, please visit https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/functions-scale#service-limits 5:27:38 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Writing the artifacts to a squashfs file 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Parallel mksquashfs: Using 1 processor 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Creating 4.0 filesystem on /home/site/artifacts/functionappartifact.squashfs, block size 131072. 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: [===============================================================|] 140/140 100% 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Exportable Squashfs 4.0 filesystem, gzip compressed, data block size 131072 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: compressed data, compressed metadata, compressed fragments, compressed xattrs 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: duplicates are removed 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Filesystem size 323.86 Kbytes (0.32 Mbytes) 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: 27.29% of uncompressed filesystem size (1186.55 Kbytes) 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Inode table size 1477 bytes (1.44 Kbytes) 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: 28.84% of uncompressed inode table size (5122 bytes) 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Directory table size 1529 bytes (1.49 Kbytes) 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: 37.01% of uncompressed directory table size (4131 bytes) 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Number of duplicate files found 3 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Number of inodes 160 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Number of files 143 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Number of fragments 11 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Number of symbolic links 0 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Number of device nodes 0 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Number of fifo nodes 0 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Number of socket nodes 0 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Number of directories 17 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Number of ids (unique uids + gids) 1 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Number of uids 1 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: root (0) 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Number of gids 1 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: root (0) 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Creating placeholder blob for linux consumption function app... 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: SCM_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE placeholder blob scm-latest-xxxxfunctionsv2.zip located 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Uploading built content /home/site/artifacts/functionappartifact.squashfs for linux consumption function app... 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Resetting all workers for xxx.azurewebsites.net 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Deployment successful. deployer = ms-azuretools-vscode deploymentPath = Functions App ZipDeploy. Extract zip. Remote build. 5:27:51 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Syncing triggers... 5:27:58 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Querying triggers... 5:28:12 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: No HTTP triggers found.
Had the same issue, trying to deploy Node.js functions using v4. Adding the AzureWebJobsFeatureFlags application setting helped.
I've the same error, even if I've added the
application setting.Here the log:
5:27:23 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Starting deployment... 5:27:23 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Creating zip package... 5:27:23 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Zip package size: 5.27 kB 5:27:25 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Fetching changes. 5:27:26 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Cleaning up temp folders from previous zip deployments and extracting pushed zip file /tmp/zipdeploy/2d344639-006c-47d4-a058-27bd4f3801e5.zip (0.01 MB) to /tmp/zipdeploy/extracted 5:27:28 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Updating submodules. 5:27:29 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Preparing deployment for commit id '0ecf7072-f'. 5:27:29 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: PreDeployment: context.CleanOutputPath False 5:27:29 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: PreDeployment: context.OutputPath /home/site/wwwroot 5:27:29 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Repository path is /tmp/zipdeploy/extracted 5:27:29 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Running oryx build... 5:27:29 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Command: oryx build /tmp/zipdeploy/extracted -o /home/site/wwwroot --platform python --platform-version 3.8.6 -p packagedir=.python_packages/lib/site-packages 5:27:30 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Operation performed by Microsoft Oryx, https://github.com/Microsoft/Oryx 5:27:30 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: You can report issues at https://github.com/Microsoft/Oryx/issues 5:27:30 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Oryx Version: 0.2.20210120.1, Commit: 66c7820, ReleaseTagName: 20210120.1 5:27:30 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Build Operation ID: |RHE1ane8Yq0=.8404e5da_ 5:27:30 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Repository Commit : 0ecf7072-f804-4e84-aa4e-68cd2426f3a1 5:27:30 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Detecting platforms... 5:27:31 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Detected following platforms: 5:27:31 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: python: 3.8.6 5:27:31 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Version '3.8.6' of platform 'python' is not installed. Generating script to install it... 5:27:32 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Source directory : /tmp/zipdeploy/extracted 5:27:32 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Destination directory: /home/site/wwwroot 5:27:32 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Downloading and extracting 'python' version '3.8.6' to '/tmp/oryx/platforms/python/3.8.6'... 5:27:33 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Downloaded in 1 sec(s). 5:27:33 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Verifying checksum... 5:27:33 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Extracting contents... 5:27:36 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Done in 4 sec(s). 5:27:36 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Python Version: /tmp/oryx/platforms/python/3.8.6/bin/python3.8 5:27:36 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Running pip install... 5:27:36 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: [15:27:36+0000] Collecting azure-functions 5:27:36 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: [15:27:36+0000] Downloading azure_functions-1.13.3-py3-none-any.whl (163 kB) 5:27:37 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: [15:27:37+0000] Installing collected packages: azure-functions 5:27:37 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: [15:27:37+0000] Successfully installed azure-functions-1.13.3 5:27:37 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: WARNING: You are using pip version 20.2.3; however, version 23.0.1 is available. 5:27:37 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: You should consider upgrading via the '/tmp/oryx/platforms/python/3.8.6/bin/python3.8 -m pip install --upgrade pip' command. 5:27:37 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Done in 1 sec(s). 5:27:37 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Preparing output... 5:27:37 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Copying files to destination directory '/home/site/wwwroot'... 5:27:37 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Done in 0 sec(s). 5:27:37 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Removing existing manifest file 5:27:37 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Creating a manifest file... 5:27:37 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Manifest file created. 5:27:37 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Done in 5 sec(s). 5:27:38 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Running post deployment command(s)... 5:27:38 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Generating summary of Oryx build 5:27:38 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Deployment Log file does not exist in /tmp/oryx-build.log 5:27:38 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: The logfile at /tmp/oryx-build.log is empty. Unable to fetch the summary of build 5:27:38 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Triggering recycle (preview mode disabled). 5:27:38 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Linux Consumption plan has a 1.5 GB memory limit on a remote build container. 5:27:38 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: To check our service limit, please visit https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/functions-scale#service-limits 5:27:38 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Writing the artifacts to a squashfs file 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Parallel mksquashfs: Using 1 processor 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Creating 4.0 filesystem on /home/site/artifacts/functionappartifact.squashfs, block size 131072. 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: [===============================================================|] 140/140 100% 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Exportable Squashfs 4.0 filesystem, gzip compressed, data block size 131072 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: compressed data, compressed metadata, compressed fragments, compressed xattrs 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: duplicates are removed 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Filesystem size 323.86 Kbytes (0.32 Mbytes) 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: 27.29% of uncompressed filesystem size (1186.55 Kbytes) 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Inode table size 1477 bytes (1.44 Kbytes) 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: 28.84% of uncompressed inode table size (5122 bytes) 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Directory table size 1529 bytes (1.49 Kbytes) 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: 37.01% of uncompressed directory table size (4131 bytes) 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Number of duplicate files found 3 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Number of inodes 160 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Number of files 143 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Number of fragments 11 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Number of symbolic links 0 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Number of device nodes 0 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Number of fifo nodes 0 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Number of socket nodes 0 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Number of directories 17 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Number of ids (unique uids + gids) 1 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Number of uids 1 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: root (0) 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Number of gids 1 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: root (0) 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Creating placeholder blob for linux consumption function app... 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: SCM_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE placeholder blob scm-latest-xxxxfunctionsv2.zip located 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Uploading built content /home/site/artifacts/functionappartifact.squashfs for linux consumption function app... 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Resetting all workers for xxx.azurewebsites.net 5:27:39 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Deployment successful. deployer = ms-azuretools-vscode deploymentPath = Functions App ZipDeploy. Extract zip. Remote build. 5:27:51 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Syncing triggers... 5:27:58 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: Querying triggers... 5:28:12 PM xxxxfunctionsv2: No HTTP triggers found.
I solved my problem. The problem was that I was using some app settings variables in my code and I added them in the local.settings.json
file, not in the Azure function configurations. It'd be really useful to add a warning message during deployment that alerts the developer if there are any missing app settings variables.
Had the same issue, trying to deploy Node.js functions using v4. Adding the AzureWebJobsFeatureFlags application setting helped.
Yes, It helped also here. Thank you
If you are using a version lower than node js version 18, try updating to version 18 before proceeding.
It happened to me again, and it took me an entire day to figure out that some packages in devDependencies had to be moved to dependencies for the HTTP trigger to work.
Debugging this type of error is exhausting and often does not lead to a solution. There is definitely a need for logging that also reports these anomalies clearly.
I am having this issue now as well; debugging locally works and this is set: "AzureWebJobsFeatureFlags": "EnableWorkerIndexing"
. Can anyone share what they did to resolve it?
I am having this issue now as well; debugging locally works and this is set:
"AzureWebJobsFeatureFlags": "EnableWorkerIndexing"
. Can anyone share what they did to resolve it?
To fix the issue, go to your function app in Azure portal, click on configuration, in application settings add a new key"azureWebJobsFeatureFlags" with a value of "EnableWorkerIndexing", then redeploy, this fixed the issue for me
why is it that every time i try to learn any Azure tool i hit roadblocks exactly like this where there is no information, almost nothing to go by when debugging, and the whole thing just feels incredibly opaque and difficult? Even for the most basic task? i have the same error. No HTTP triggers found even though I'm using Azure's own boilerplate and everything works in locally-hosted debug mode. sigh.
It's why now we're the beta testers of these solutions. The important thing is not releasing a quality product, but any product as soon as possibile.
I found an awful bug in application settings using Python. Custom setting must be at the beginning of the list of application settings. If one of that variables was between the default one, I got the no HTTP triggers found error.
-- Luca Zavarella | Microsoft MVP in AI and Data Platform
From: Ross Campbell @.> Sent: Friday, April 14, 2023 1:33:04 PM To: microsoft/Oryx @.> Cc: Luca Zavarella @.>; Comment @.> Subject: Re: [microsoft/Oryx] No HTTP triggers found (Issue #1774)
why is it that every time i try to learn any Azure tool i hit roadblocks exactly like this where there is no information, almost nothing to go by when debugging, and the whole thing just feels incredibly opaque and difficult? Even for the most basic task? i have the same error. No HTTP triggers found even though I'm using Azure's own boilerplate and everything works in locally-hosted debug mode. sigh.
— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/microsoft/Oryx/issues/1774#issuecomment-1508369412, or unsubscribehttps://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ABOSK5MYM6CDDQXNOSQ6LNDXBEYXBANCNFSM6AAAAAATPKE3ME. You are receiving this because you commented.Message ID: @.***>
Hello all, sorry for the delay in responding to you all. Oryx is used to build the code, but is not related to the deployment of these to Azure Web Apps, Azure Functions, StaticWebApps, etc. It looks like the Oryx build was able to pass for all of the code shared, and everything below the line Triggering recycle (preview mode disabled).
is no longer related to the Oryx project.
The VSCode Azure Fn repo would be a better place to get support for this issue: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-azurefunctions
I had the same problem: No HTTP triggers found.
The problem for me is that a requirement was missing in the requirements.txt file.
I figured out the cause and found a solution in my case. Here's what I found in case you're having the same issue.
You cannot deploy a workspace in a monorepo. At least in my case, as soon as I de-listed the workspace in the monorepo's packages property everything works fine. I think the deployment is getting confused by the nested package structure.
In my case, the solution was what Luca described back in March, a mismatch between app settings variables in the local.settings.json file and variables in the Azure function App Settings configuration.
I am using the Python SDK V2
I was having this exact issue using Python Programming Model V2.
My function is using some environment variables declared in local.settings.json for my local deployment.
As commented in this thread previously. You need to add ALL of these values to your functions applications settings, just as the documentation explicitly points out for AzureWebJobsFeatureFlags
in this post.
Once the values were added, deployment worked correctly.
Hi all,
I run into the same "bug". I develop my function code with VS-Code in python. I used the v2 model and had an already working function with a HTTP-Trigger. As soon as I want to add an output binding for CosmosDB (by adding the cosmos_db_output decorator to my function) following the guides, I get the "No HTTP triggers found". I setup the connection string via app settings, as well as AzureWebJobsFeatureFlags. As I said, when I remove the decorator and use it as a simple HTTP Trigger it works. When I try to add the cosmosDB binding, my function will run locally and also push documents into my CosmosDB without trouble, but I cannot, for the sake of it, deploy the function with a CosmosDB trigger.
I am on this for 2 days already and I don't know what to do and where to look anymore, does someone have an idea or any pointers?
I had to return to model v1. Without logs is very difficult to catch the error.
El mar, 16 de may de 2023, 7:48 a. m., David Schu @.***> escribió:
Hi all,
I run into the same "bug". I develop my function code with VS-Code in python. I used the v2 model and had an already working function with a HTTP-Trigger. As soon as I want to add an output binding for CosmosDB (by adding the cosmos_db_output decorator to my function) following the guides, I get the "No HTTP triggers found". I setup the connection string via app settings, as well as AzureWebJobsFeatureFlags. As I said, when I remove the decorator and use it as a simple HTTP Trigger it works. When I try to add the cosmosDB binding, my function will run locally and also push documents into my CosmosDB without trouble, but I cannot, for the sake of it, deploy the function with a CosmosDB trigger.
I am on this for 2 days already and I don't know what to do and where to look anymore, does someone have an idea or any pointers?
— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/microsoft/Oryx/issues/1774#issuecomment-1549597543, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AENF6OBV3Q4U2FLNGSICD6DXGNZQDANCNFSM6AAAAAATPKE3ME . You are receiving this because you commented.Message ID: @.***>
I had to return to model v1. Without logs is very difficult to catch the error. El mar, 16 de may de 2023, 7:48 a. m., David Schu @.***> escribió: …
Thanks very much. I created a new V1 Model Function from scratch, implemented a very basic cosmos interaction, made it work and then migrated the rest of my code into the V1 Model. It is now working.
I have exactly same problem.
Hi all,
I run into the same "bug". I develop my function code with VS-Code in python. I used the v2 model and had an already working function with a HTTP-Trigger. As soon as I want to add an output binding for CosmosDB (by adding the cosmos_db_output decorator to my function) following the guides, I get the "No HTTP triggers found". I setup the connection string via app settings, as well as AzureWebJobsFeatureFlags. As I said, when I remove the decorator and use it as a simple HTTP Trigger it works. When I try to add the cosmosDB binding, my function will run locally and also push documents into my CosmosDB without trouble, but I cannot, for the sake of it, deploy the function with a CosmosDB trigger.
I am on this for 2 days already and I don't know what to do and where to look anymore, does someone have an idea or any pointers?
Same issue. I have checked local.settings.json against the portal configurations for the app. This is present in both:
"AzureWebJobsFeatureFlags": "EnableWorkerIndexing"
I have not modified any settings beyond those set in the template.
I have all dependencies listed in requirements.txt:
I have not modified the code from the template. As soon as I add import psycopg2
to function_app.py, I get "No HTTP triggers found". If I remove import psycopg2
, triggers are found and the app publishes successfully.