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Hololens 2 - Asking for permissions programmatically
Is it possible to check if app has some permissions and if don't ask for permissions programmatically on hololens 2?
In manifest permissions are already declared but sometimes if you miss the permission popup or click on NO by mistake the app doesn't ask for permission never again.
Unity 2020.3.13f1 MRTK 2.7.3
That is UWP design. In this case
but sometimes if you miss the permission popup
user needs to manually give that permission by going to Settings/Apps features app. You can show a message and guide him to Settings page with something like await Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(new Uri("ms-settings:appsfeatures-app"));
Upon chaging some permissions, app will restart.
We appreciate your feedback and thank you for reporting this issue.
Microsoft Mixed Reality Toolkit version 2 (MRTK2) is currently in limited support. This means that Microsoft is only fixing high priority security issues. Unfortunately, this issue does not meet the necessary priority and will be closed. If you strongly feel that this issue deserves more attention, please open a new issue and explain why it is important.
Microsoft recommends that all new HoloLens 2 Unity applications use MRTK3 instead of MRTK2.
Please note that MRTK3 was released in August 2023. It features an all new architecture for developing rich mixed reality experiences and has a minimum requirement of Unity 2021.3 LTS. For more information about MRTK3, please visithttps://www.mixedrealitytoolkit.org.
Thank you for your continued support of the Mixed Reality Toolkit!