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Remoting Player: Mixed Reality Capture messes stereo images
Hi, the right-eye image shown on the HoloLens gets messed up when streaming 3d content from a host application to the Holographic Remoting Player and starting mixed reality capture from the website. I first thought it's an application error but it also happens with the sample from https://github.com/Microsoft/HoloLensCompanionKit/tree/master/RemotingHostSample The left eye seems correct. The issue is triggered by capturing both Holograms and PV Camera. If i just capture Holograms or just the PV Camera everything is fine.
We do confirm that issue. This same happens in unity or c++ app.
@kierepka Do you have any ETA on a fix?
I'm not from Microsoft 😇
Upps :) ... "We do confirm.." sounded very ms-corporat-y :)
Same problem here. Is there a fix, workaround or timeline?
@oschnabel Nothing i am aware of.. Filed a MS incident ticket to get premium-support on this issue more than a month ago - apart from the usual "have you tried turning it off and on again" (i.e. performing a full recovery) nothing helpful for now.
raising my hand here aswell, any updates on that issue from MS?
No fix yet - seems the issue is confirmed now and might require a fix to the platform and player. No eta given.
allright then, seems we just gotta have to wait then. Many thanks for the update!
Just updated hololens win10 version since there were several updates since i last tried - but issue is still not fixed. I am starting to think my use case is not very common (otherwise there would be more momentum fixing this) - does everybody run on-device holographic apps and noone uses the remoting player? if not - how do you record/realize spectator viewing?