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HELP: how to deploy sensitivity labels with [SCSensitivityLabel] - specifically how to get "update" access?
Hey folks,
We're trying to deploy sensitivity labels. It seems the export was successful. Here is one of them:
SCSensitivityLabel "SCSensitivityLabel-General"
AdvancedSettings = @(
Key = 'color'
Value = '#13A10E'
Key = 'isparent'
Value = 'False'
Comment = "";
ContentType = @("File, Email","Site, UnifiedGroup","SchematizedData");
Credential = $Credscredential;
DisplayName = "General";
EncryptionEnabled = $True;
EncryptionProtectionType = "removeprotection";
Ensure = "Present";
LocaleSettings = @(
LocaleKey = 'displayName'
LabelSettings = @(
Key = 'default'
Value = 'General'
LocaleKey = 'tooltip'
LabelSettings = @(
Key = 'default'
Value = 'Data which has no specific sensitivity and need no particular protection. There are no sharing restrictions.'
Name = "General";
Priority = 0;
SiteAndGroupExternalSharingControlType = "ExternalUserAndGuestSharing";
SiteAndGroupProtectionAllowAccessToGuestUsers = $False;
SiteAndGroupProtectionAllowEmailFromGuestUsers = $True;
SiteAndGroupProtectionAllowFullAccess = $True;
SiteAndGroupProtectionAllowLimitedAccess = $False;
SiteAndGroupProtectionBlockAccess = $False;
SiteAndGroupProtectionEnabled = $True;
SiteAndGroupProtectionPrivacy = "public";
Tooltip = "Data which has no specific sensitivity and need no particular protection. There are no sharing restrictions.";
However, we're completely in the dark as to how to get the right permissions to UPDATE/WRITE these to a tenant:
- The documentation at says "none" for all actions vs. Graph.
- And powershell says: PS > Get-M365DSCCompiledPermissionList -ResourceNameList 'scsensitvitylabel' -PermissionType Application -AccessType Update File settings.json was not found for resource {scsensitvitylabel}
Name Value
API Graph
PermissionName Organization.Read.All
How did y'all get UPDATE permissions for SCSensitivityLabel?