Microsoft365DSC copied to clipboard
Tenant Config Compilation Error.
Description of the issue
Dear Team ,
While i compile the configuration file , i am getting the attached error.
Kindly advice.
Microsoft 365 DSC Version
1.23.1122.1 1.23.1122.1
Which workloads are affected
The DSC configuration
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Environment Information + PowerShell Version
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You have two resources with the same name (TeamsChannel-test) in your config. Please remove or rename one of them. The resource identifier must be unique.
Hi Malauter and Andi
Kindly help and guide with below error
PS C:\NEWDSC> .\M365TenantConfig.ps1
Test-ConflictingResources : A conflict was detected between resources '[TeamsTeam]TeamsTeam-WPO - ESWD (C:\NEWDSC\M365TenantConfig.ps1::44815::9::TeamsTeam)' and '[TeamsTeam]TeamsTeam-WPO - ESWD-2 (C:\NEWDSC\M365TenantConfig.ps1::56831::9::TeamsTeam)' in node 'localhost'. Resources have identical key properties but there are differences in the following non-key properties: 'MailNickName;GroupID;Owner'. Values 'ES-SESPM;2473271a-e13d-4110-a7a7-af66ebd053aa;[email protected]' don't match values 'WPI-ESWD;99fb6e7a-2e5f-49df-a95b-9e3522ae6473;[email protected]'. Please update these property values so that they are identical in both cases. At line:289 char:9
Test-ConflictingResources $keywordName $canonicalizedValue $k ...
- CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [Write-Error], InvalidOperationException
- FullyQualifiedErrorId : ConflictingDuplicateResource,Test-ConflictingResources Test-ConflictingResources : A conflict was detected between resources '[TeamsTeam]TeamsTeam-OXG – Office of Micro Supervisors (C:\NEWDSC\M365TenantConfig.ps1::57883::9::TeamsTeam)' and '[TeamsTeam]TeamsTeam-OXG – Office of Micro Supervisors-2 (C:\NEWDSC\M365TenantConfig.ps1::60934::9::TeamsTeam)' in node 'localhost'. Resources have identical key properties but there are differences in the following non-key properties: 'MailNickName;GroupID'. Values 'OIGOfficeofManagementSupervisors;a42a567e-5426-4b95-9bd5-14a757c13f5a' don't match values 'OIGOfficeofManagementSupervisors445;c652c74c-2996-41f6-ab3a-831edecb4e85'. Please update these property values so that they are identical in both cases. At line:289 char:9
Test-ConflictingResources $keywordName $canonicalizedValue $k ...
- CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (:) [Write-Error], InvalidOperationException
- FullyQualifiedErrorId : ConflictingDuplicateResource,Test-ConflictingResources Compilation errors occurred while processing configuration 'M365TenantConfig'. Please review the errors reported in error stream and modify your configuration code appropriately. At C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\PSDesiredStateConfiguration\PSDesiredStateConfiguration.psm1:3917 char:5
throw $ErrorRecord
- CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (M365TenantConfig:String) [], InvalidOperationException
- FullyQualifiedErrorId : FailToProcessConfiguration What is [teams teams] in the above error, appreciate your response. I have copied the error code. Thanks Pradeep
Could you please share the corresponding DSC configuration? The error message sounds like you have two resources with the same display name (this is the key property for a Teams team).
Hi Malauter
Is it ok using the above to help me out. Thanks Pradeep HI Malauter Please find the above newly attached error code and also the dsc configuration file, Kindly guide. Thanks Pradeep
The attached config looks good, I cannot detect the conflicts from the error message. But the M365 DSC version used to generate the config is old, could you please try to update M365 DSC and all dependencies to the current version by running this:
After that, please recreate the config and try again.
Hi Malater,
I have updated the modules and its dependencies. Now I am getting an attached error, Kindly advice.
Thanks Pradeep
The TeamsUser resource has no Certificate parameter, it is called CertificateThumbprint. Please have a look at the documentation:
Dear Malauter
I didn't get your point, you mean my DSC configuration has a mistake, if you rephrase that it will be great. Thanks Pradeep
Hi Malauter
I have attached one of theams user details as well , we are not using Certificate Parameter in this ps1 file.
The error message says "Certificate not found". Is the mentioned thumbprint correct and is the certificate in the cert store accessible for DSC? Maybe you can try with credentials instead of cert based authentication first (just for testing).
Hi Malauter Actually, we have only SP-based authentication supported at the moment. How can i verify my DSC can be accessible via certificate?
IS the below command is helpful!. Please advise.
Connect-MicrosoftTeams -CertificateThumbprint "A937EEF7DA9xxxxxxxxxxx" -ApplicationId "6db23af4-c4ea-4811-xxx-710e97c1f303" -TenantId
Appreciate your response.!
Is your Connect-MicrosoftTeams command working? It is using another CertificateThumbprint than mentioned in the error message
Hi Malauter
The above is just a masked thumprint and App ID , Using the above command i can able to connect.
Thanks Pradeep
HI Malatur
After the Module upgrade when i list module the below out shows 3 modules of Microsoft365DCS , Kindly advice .Appreciate your response.
Thanks Pradeep
Please run Uninstall-M365DSCOutDatedDependencies. This will try to uninstall outdated M365 versions and dependencies.
Hi Andi
Does it solve certificate issue.
Thanks Pradeep
No, it won't. It's just answering your previous answer about the multiple M365DSC Module folders.
Dear Andi
Thanks, Can you please address the above-mentioned certificate issue, because its so confusing ie, we can able to connect with teams with the below command. Connect-MicrosoftTeams -CertificateThumbprint "A937EEF7DA9xxxxxxxxxxx" -ApplicationId "6db23af4-c4ea-4811-xxx-710e97c1f303" -TenantId
Appreciate your response.! Thanks Pradeep
Dear Malatur and Andy
Please find the connect-microsoftteams output.
Could you please share in which location the certificate is stored. For DSC to be able to access the certificate, it needs to be placed in the computer store.
Thanks a lot, Andy. I will check the advised option and revert.
Thanks Pradeep
Currently its in personal Store of Current user.
Hi Andy
Now i have placed in Computer store and see
Hi Andy
Kindly find the new Error ,Please advise on this.
Hi Malatur and Andy
Can you please advise on the above error please. Thanks Pradeep
Hi Malatur and Andy
Kindly help me on this above error, your advise will be always helpful. Thanks Pradeep
Hi Team
Kindly advise, please.
Dear Malatur
Appreciate it helpful to answer my query, please.
Thanks Pradeep
Hi Team
Appreciate your response.