MSRC-Microsoft-Security-Updates-API copied to clipboard
Get-MsrcSecurityUpdate gives InternalServerError
Get-MsrcSecurityUpdate -After 2022-07-13 -Before 2022-08-09
Running this command got the below error
Get-MsrcSecurityUpdate: HTTP Get failed with status code InternalServerError: WARNING: No results returned from the /Update API
Indeed, here's how to reproduce:
Invoke-RestMethod -Method get -Uri '$filter=InitialReleaseDate gt 2023-01-10T08:00:00Z'
$Error| fl * -Force
It returns 'Response status code does not indicate success: 500 (CVRF API Error) ' and says 'Something has gone wrong, please try again later.'
It's clearly a bug, because the official API ref says:
This list can be manipulated using OData URL filtering on current and initial release dates.
The Odata part is correct because if there's wrong filter, it says
Invoke-RestMethod -Method get -Uri '$filter=InitialReleaseData gt 2023-01-10T08:00:00Z'
$Error| fl * -Force
Error 400
{"error":{"code":"","message":"OData URI failed validation Could not find a property named 'InitialReleaseData' on type 'CvrfWeb.Models.Update'."}}
Ran into this error trying to figure out a way to get only latest updates
Calling$filter=CurrentReleaseDate ge 2018-01-01T00:00:00Z
returns 500 error with message "Something has gone wrong, please try again later." while specifying wrong filter returns error 400 with correct error message
As of January 2024, it appears that the issue is still present – we are unable to filter by the CurrentReleaseDate