MMdnn copied to clipboard
tf2caffe problem "tensorflow.MetaGraphDef" has no field named "Placeholder"..
Platform (like ubuntu 16.04/win10): ubuntu 16.04
Python version: 2.7
Source framework with version (like Tensorflow 1.4.1 with GPU): tensorflow1.12.0
Destination framework with version (like CNTK 2.3 with GPU):caffe
Pre-trained model path (webpath or webdisk path):
Running scripts:mmconvert -sf tensorflow -in ~/PycharmProjects/Tensorflow-TCDCN/pretrained/frozen_model.pb --inNodeName Placeholder Placeholder_6 --inputShape 1,40,40,3 1 --dstNodeName add_5 add_6 add_7 add_8 add_9 -df caffe -om tf_tensorflow
Info: Trying to parse file [/home/cui/PycharmProjects/Tensorflow-TCDCN/pretrained/utf8.pb] with binary format but failed with error [Error parsing message].
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/bin/mmconvert", line 10, in
I have two inputs:Placeholder and Placeholder_6, six outputs:add_5,add_6,add_7,add_8,add_9. There is something wrong with Placeholder,how can I fix it? thanks a lot for help.
Hi @Simplesss , please change the running script to mmconvert -sf tensorflow -iw ~/PycharmProjects/Tensorflow-TCDCN/pretrained/frozen_model.pb --inNodeName Placeholder Placeholder_6 --inputShape 1,40,40,3 1 --dstNodeName add_5 add_6 add_7 add_8 add_9 -df caffe -om tf_tensorflow Thanks!
Hi @Simplesss , please change the running script to mmconvert -sf tensorflow -iw ~/PycharmProjects/Tensorflow-TCDCN/pretrained/frozen_model.pb --inNodeName Placeholder Placeholder_6 --inputShape 1,40,40,3 1 --dstNodeName add_5 add_6 add_7 add_8 add_9 -df caffe -om tf_tensorflow Thanks!
I try it again!!! But it have the same error.
Hi @Simplesss , I tried but it works ok except that it does not support [floor] op. Maybe you can downgrade your tensorflow to 1.10.0? For the [floor] op, you can manually add one in Caffe. Thanks!
i have the same problem as you, have you solved it?