DirectXShaderCompiler copied to clipboard
[SPIRV] Incorrect error reported for non uint type template parameter: "error: alignment argument of vk::RawBufferLoad() must be a constant integer"
I'm trying to find the consequences of this feature,, thought it didn't work with template arguments, but it does, realizing that it only takes uint arguments. Error reported made it seem like something completely different.
struct StructTest{
float a;
float b;
struct PhysicalDeviceAddress{
uint64_t address;
template<typename T, const int alignment>
T load(){
return vk::RawBufferLoad<T>(address, alignment);
[numthreads(1, 1, 1)]
void main(uint tidx : SV_DispatchThreadId) {
uint64_t test = 0;
PhysicalDeviceAddress address = PhysicalDeviceAddress(test);
StructTest x = address.load<StructTest, 8>();
tried in using
MicrosoftDXC, trunk, cs_6_6, entry point main, extra options: -HV 2021, output format SPIR-V, SPIR_V target vulkan 1.3
results in
D:\local\Temp\9796b5d4-0e93-4f29-9a5a-883cbae55d48.hlsl:13:46: error: alignment argument of vk::RawBufferLoad() must be a constant integer
return vk::RawBufferLoad<T>(address, alignment);
which is not the correct error. The error is that I used a constant integer, instead of a constant unsigned integer.
Tagging @Keenuts and @cassiebeckley for visibility. This is a vulkan issue
It seems like the solution to this could be to just change the compiler error message to
“alignment argument of vk::RawBufferLoad() must be a constant unsigned integer”
Am I understanding correctly? That seems like an easy enough change.
it seems a bit weird that alignment
was added to the RawBufferLoad
API as a function and not a template parameter, does LLVM 3.7 or DXC have a problem with const int
default template args or what?
I believe it’s discussed here in the referenced issue why a template wasn’t used. Something about template features not always being available for mobile architectures? Tbh I don’t know if I follow, seems like a default template argument would be better…