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BoundingOrientedBox::CreateFromPoints solver suffers from numeric problems

Open walbourn opened this issue 8 years ago • 2 comments

Report from Dave Eberly about problems with the oriented box SolveCubic helper function.

The SolveCubic is called to compute the eigenvalues of a real-valued symmetric 3x3 matrix. Such matrices ALWAYS have 3 real eigenvalues, so SolveCubic is returning a theoretically incorrect result. The problem has to do with the precision of 'float' numbers. The cubic-solver approach can be made more robust by preconditioning the matrix.

Root finding using the closed-form algebraic equations for low-degree polynomials is known to be numerically ill conditioned. It is better to use iterative methods. For 3x3 symmetric matrices, a specialized iterative method can be very fast, extremely accurate, and robust.

walbourn avatar May 24 '16 18:05 walbourn

int main()
   // Cube with vertices at (0,0,0), (100,0,0), (0,100,0), (100,100,0),
   // (0,0,100), (100,0,100), (0,100,100), and (100,100,100) rotated by
   // an arbitrary rotation matrix.
   Vector3<float> vertices[8] =
       Vector3<float>{-59.372719f, 26.978844f, 39.425350f},
       Vector3<float>{-29.475891f, 116.858276f, 7.364998f},
       Vector3<float>{1.924920f, -16.858200f, -26.308300f},
       Vector3<float>{13.762627f, 26.978811f, 107.625198f},
       Vector3<float>{31.821747f, 73.021233f, -58.368652f,},
       Vector3<float>{43.659454f, 116.858246f, 75.564850f},
       Vector3<float>{75.060265f, -16.858232f, 41.891552f},
       Vector3<float>{104.957092f, 73.021202f, 9.831200f}
   DirectX::BoundingOrientedBox box;
   DirectX::BoundingOrientedBox::CreateFromPoints(box, 8,
       (const DirectX::XMFLOAT3*)&vertices[0], 3 * sizeof(float));
   // box.Center = (22.7921867, 50.0000229, 24.6282730)
   // box.Extents = (82.1649017, 66.8582535, 82.9969254)
   // box.Orientation = (-0.000000000, 0.000000000, -0.000000000, 1.00000000)
   // Internally, the parameters passed to SolveCubic (DirectXCollision.inl) are
   //   e = -59999.9922
   //   f = 1.19999974e+009
   //   g = -7.99999787e+012
   // Local parameters are
   //   p = 128.000000
   //   q = 1048576.00
   //   h = 2.74877972e+011
   // Because 'h > 0.0', the values t, u, and v are all set to zero and the
   // function returns 'false'.  The comment is "only one real root".  The
   // eigenvectors are then set to the default (1,0,0), (0,1,0), and (0,0,1).
   // These are not correct should someone actually want the eigenvectors of
   // the matrix (rather than some bounding box of the points).
   // The SolveCubic is called to compute the eigenvalues of a real-valued symmetric
   // 3x3 matrix.  Such matrices ALWAYS have 3 real eigenvalues, so SolveCubic
   // is returning a theoretically incorrect result.  The problem has to do with
   // the precision of 'float' numbers.  The cubic-solver approach can be made
   // more robust by preconditioning the matrix.  For example, see
   // Root finding using the closed-form algebraic equations for low-degree
   // polynomials is known to be numerically ill conditioned.  It is better
   // to use iterative methods.  For 3x3 symmetric matrices, a specialized
   // iterative method can be very fast, extremely accurate, and robust.
   Vector3<float> mean{ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
   for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
       mean += vertices[i];
   mean /= 8.0f;
   float covar00 = 0.0f, covar01 = 0.0f, covar02 = 0.0f;
   float covar11 = 0.0f, covar12 = 0.0f, covar22 = 0.0f;
   for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
       Vector3<float> diff = vertices[i] - mean;
       covar00 += diff[0] * diff[0];
       covar01 += diff[0] * diff[1];
       covar02 += diff[0] * diff[2];
       covar11 += diff[1] * diff[1];
       covar12 += diff[1] * diff[2];
       covar22 += diff[2] * diff[2];
   float e = -(covar00 + covar11 + covar22);
   float f =
       covar00 * covar11 +
       covar11 * covar22 +
       covar22 * covar00 -
       covar01 * covar01 -
       covar02 * covar02 -
       covar12 * covar12;
   float g =
       covar01 * covar01 * covar22 +
       covar02 * covar02 * covar11 +
       covar12 * covar12 * covar00 -
       covar01 * covar12 * covar02 * 2.0f -
       covar00 * covar11 * covar22;
   float p = f - e * e / 3.0f;
   float q = g - e * f / 3.0f + e * e * e * 2.0f / 27.0f;
   float h = q * q / 4.0f + p * p * p / 27.0f;
   // To show how bad the floating-point errors are, compute
   // e, f, g, p, q, and h using exact rational arithmetic.
   typedef BSRational<UIntegerAP32> Rational;
   Rational rcovar00(covar00);
   Rational rcovar01(covar01);
   Rational rcovar02(covar02);
   Rational rcovar11(covar11);
   Rational rcovar12(covar12);
   Rational rcovar22(covar22);
   Rational re = -(rcovar00 + rcovar11 + rcovar22);
   Rational rf =
       rcovar00 * rcovar11 +
       rcovar11 * rcovar22 +
       rcovar22 * rcovar00 -
       rcovar01 * rcovar01 -
       rcovar02 * rcovar02 -
       rcovar12 * rcovar12;
   Rational rg =
       rcovar01 * rcovar01 * rcovar22 +
       rcovar02 * rcovar02 * rcovar11 +
       rcovar12 * rcovar12 * rcovar00 -
       rcovar01 * rcovar12 * rcovar02 * Rational(2) -
       rcovar00 * rcovar11 * rcovar22;
   Rational rp = rf - re * re / Rational(3);
   Rational rq = rg - re * rf / Rational(3) + re * re * re * Rational(2) / Rational(27);
   Rational rh = rq * rq / Rational(4) + rp * rp * rp / Rational(27);
   double drp, drq, drh;
   drp = (double)rp;  // -6.4158812165260315e-006
   drq = (double)rq;  // 1.9736035028472543e-009
   drh = (double)rh;  // -8.8077160212578135e-018
   // Now let's compute the roots using the formulas in SolveCubic but with
   // more accurate values for p, q, and h.
   p = (float)drp;
   q = (float)drq;
   h = (float)drh;
   float d = sqrtf(q * q / 4.0f - h);
   float rc;
   if (d < 0)
       rc = -powf(-d, 1.0f / 3.0f);
       rc = powf( d, 1.0f / 3.0f );
   float theta = acos( -q / ( 2.0f * d ) );
   float costh3 = cos( theta / 3.0f );
   float sinth3 = sqrtf( 3.0f ) * sin( theta / 3.0f );
   float t, u, v;
   t = 2.0f * rc * costh3 - e / 3.0f;  // 20000.00
   u = -rc * ( costh3 + sinth3 ) - e / 3.0f;  // 19999.9961
   v = -rc * ( costh3 - sinth3 ) - e / 3.0f;  // 19999.9980
   // You can find the iterative solver at
   // based on the documentation
   // None of this is intellectual property.  The algorithms are based on the
   // book "Matrix Computations" by Gene Golub and Charles van Loan, and their
   // work is based on research papers from the 1960s.  You are welcome to grab
   // my code and use convert it to your DirectX math style.  If Microsoft
   // lawyers are uncomfortable with this, I'll be glad to provide a legal
   // document that says you can use the code freely.
   SymmetricEigensolver3x3<float> es;
   std::array<float, 3> eval;
   std::array<std::array<float, 3>, 3> evec;
   es(covar00, covar01, covar02, covar11, covar12, covar22, false, +1,
       eval, evec);
   // eval = { 19999.9941, 19999.9961, 19999.9980 }
   // evec[0] = { 0.0722742379, 0.997384787, 0.000000000 }
   // evec[1] = { -0.913869500, 0.0662224069, -0.400571018 }
   // evec[2] = { -0.399523437, 0.0289509650, 0.916265726 }
   // Theoretically, the eigenvalues are all 20000 and the eigenvectors are
   // the axes of the rotation matrix used to rotate the cube (see my initial
   // statements).  However, my solver is given the floating-point computations
   // for the covariance matrix entries, so some rounding errors have already
   // occurred when I execute my solver.
   return 0;

walbourn avatar May 24 '16 18:05 walbourn

int main() { // Cube with vertices at (0,0,0), (100,0,0), (0,100,0), (100,100,0), // (0,0,100), (100,0,100), (0,100,100), and (100,100,100) rotated by // an arbitrary rotation matrix. Vector3 vertices[8] = { Vector3{-59.372719f, 26.978844f, 39.425350f}, Vector3{-29.475891f, 116.858276f, 7.364998f}, Vector3{1.924920f, -16.858200f, -26.308300f}, Vector3{13.762627f, 26.978811f, 107.625198f}, Vector3{31.821747f, 73.021233f, -58.368652f,}, Vector3{43.659454f, 116.858246f, 75.564850f}, Vector3{75.060265f, -16.858232f, 41.891552f}, Vector3{104.957092f, 73.021202f, 9.831200f} }; DirectX::BoundingOrientedBox box; DirectX::BoundingOrientedBox::CreateFromPoints(box, 8, (const DirectX::XMFLOAT3*)&vertices[0], 3 * sizeof(float)); // box.Center = (22.7921867, 50.0000229, 24.6282730) // box.Extents = (82.1649017, 66.8582535, 82.9969254) // box.Orientation = (-0.000000000, 0.000000000, -0.000000000, 1.00000000) // // Internally, the parameters passed to SolveCubic (DirectXCollision.inl) are // e = -59999.9922 // f = 1.19999974e+009 // g = -7.99999787e+012 // Local parameters are // p = 128.000000 // q = 1048576.00 // h = 2.74877972e+011 // Because 'h > 0.0', the values t, u, and v are all set to zero and the // function returns 'false'. The comment is "only one real root". The // eigenvectors are then set to the default (1,0,0), (0,1,0), and (0,0,1). // These are not correct should someone actually want the eigenvectors of // the matrix (rather than some bounding box of the points). // // The SolveCubic is called to compute the eigenvalues of a real-valued symmetric // 3x3 matrix. Such matrices ALWAYS have 3 real eigenvalues, so SolveCubic // is returning a theoretically incorrect result. The problem has to do with // the precision of 'float' numbers. The cubic-solver approach can be made // more robust by preconditioning the matrix. For example, see // // // Root finding using the closed-form algebraic equations for low-degree // polynomials is known to be numerically ill conditioned. It is better // to use iterative methods. For 3x3 symmetric matrices, a specialized // iterative method can be very fast, extremely accurate, and robust. Vector3 mean{ 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { mean += vertices[i]; } mean /= 8.0f; float covar00 = 0.0f, covar01 = 0.0f, covar02 = 0.0f; float covar11 = 0.0f, covar12 = 0.0f, covar22 = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { Vector3 diff = vertices[i] - mean; covar00 += diff[0] * diff[0]; covar01 += diff[0] * diff[1]; covar02 += diff[0] * diff[2]; covar11 += diff[1] * diff[1]; covar12 += diff[1] * diff[2]; covar22 += diff[2] * diff[2]; } float e = -(covar00 + covar11 + covar22); float f = covar00 * covar11 + covar11 * covar22 + covar22 * covar00 - covar01 * covar01 - covar02 * covar02 - covar12 * covar12; float g = covar01 * covar01 * covar22 + covar02 * covar02 * covar11 + covar12 * covar12 * covar00 - covar01 * covar12 * covar02 * 2.0f - covar00 * covar11 * covar22; float p = f - e * e / 3.0f; float q = g - e * f / 3.0f + e * e * e * 2.0f / 27.0f; float h = q * q / 4.0f + p * p * p / 27.0f; // To show how bad the floating-point errors are, compute // e, f, g, p, q, and h using exact rational arithmetic. typedef BSRational<UIntegerAP32> Rational; Rational rcovar00(covar00); Rational rcovar01(covar01); Rational rcovar02(covar02); Rational rcovar11(covar11); Rational rcovar12(covar12); Rational rcovar22(covar22); Rational re = -(rcovar00 + rcovar11 + rcovar22); Rational rf = rcovar00 * rcovar11 + rcovar11 * rcovar22 + rcovar22 * rcovar00 - rcovar01 * rcovar01 - rcovar02 * rcovar02 - rcovar12 * rcovar12; Rational rg = rcovar01 * rcovar01 * rcovar22 + rcovar02 * rcovar02 * rcovar11 + rcovar12 * rcovar12 * rcovar00 - rcovar01 * rcovar12 * rcovar02 * Rational(2) - rcovar00 * rcovar11 * rcovar22; Rational rp = rf - re * re / Rational(3); Rational rq = rg - re * rf / Rational(3) + re * re * re * Rational(2) / Rational(27); Rational rh = rq * rq / Rational(4) + rp * rp * rp / Rational(27); double drp, drq, drh; drp = (double)rp; // -6.4158812165260315e-006 drq = (double)rq; // 1.9736035028472543e-009 drh = (double)rh; // -8.8077160212578135e-018 // Now let's compute the roots using the formulas in SolveCubic but with // more accurate values for p, q, and h. p = (float)drp; q = (float)drq; h = (float)drh; float d = sqrtf(q * q / 4.0f - h); float rc; if (d < 0) rc = -powf(-d, 1.0f / 3.0f); else rc = powf( d, 1.0f / 3.0f ); float theta = acos( -q / ( 2.0f * d ) ); float costh3 = cos( theta / 3.0f ); float sinth3 = sqrtf( 3.0f ) * sin( theta / 3.0f ); float t, u, v; t = 2.0f * rc * costh3 - e / 3.0f; // 20000.00 u = -rc * ( costh3 + sinth3 ) - e / 3.0f; // 19999.9961 v = -rc * ( costh3 - sinth3 ) - e / 3.0f; // 19999.9980 // You can find the iterative solver at // // based on the documentation // // None of this is intellectual property. The algorithms are based on the // book "Matrix Computations" by Gene Golub and Charles van Loan, and their // work is based on research papers from the 1960s. You are welcome to grab // my code and use convert it to your DirectX math style. If Microsoft // lawyers are uncomfortable with this, I'll be glad to provide a legal // document that says you can use the code freely. SymmetricEigensolver3x3 es; std::array<float, 3> eval; std::array<std::array<float, 3>, 3> evec; es(covar00, covar01, covar02, covar11, covar12, covar22, false, +1, eval, evec); // eval = { 19999.9941, 19999.9961, 19999.9980 } // evec[0] = { 0.0722742379, 0.997384787, 0.000000000 } // evec[1] = { -0.913869500, 0.0662224069, -0.400571018 } // evec[2] = { -0.399523437, 0.0289509650, 0.916265726 } // Theoretically, the eigenvalues are all 20000 and the eigenvectors are // the axes of the rotation matrix used to rotate the cube (see my initial // statements). However, my solver is given the floating-point computations // for the covariance matrix entries, so some rounding errors have already // occurred when I execute my solver. return 0; }

anishsingh935 avatar Feb 14 '21 15:02 anishsingh935