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Problem with "PageType = API" - not working?
I have tried to create an API page like:
page 50102 MyInfo
PageType = API;
EntityName = 'myInfo';
EntitySetName = 'myInfos';
APIVersion = 'beta';
SourceTable = "My Infos";
ODataKeyFields = "Id";
field("Id"; Id) {}
field("Item No.";"Item No.") {}
field("Item Id";"Item Id") {}
I have also tried to extend an existing API page e.g. Customer Entity
pageextension 50101 "Customer Entity Ext" extends "Customer Entity"
field("myData"; 'sss') { ApplicationArea = All; }
My NAV Version is:
I have enabled the API in
<!-- Specifies whether the API web services are enabled. -->
<add key="ApiServicesEnabled" value="true" />
The new API-Page was not present, when I have tried to query by Postman with URL:
The existing API-Page (Customer Entity
) did not contain the new Field.
"@odata.context": "$metadata#customers",
"value": [
"id": "14cad1e0-db33-418f-a14a-00a4bf4623aa",
"number": "46897889",
"displayName": "Englunds Kontorsmöbler AB",
"type": "Company",
"phoneNumber": "",
"email": "",
"website": "",
"taxLiable": false,
"taxAreaId": "7eba3574-f889-49c0-876b-7c416f552c6f",
"taxAreaDisplayName": "Debitoren und Kreditoren in EU",
"taxRegistrationNumber": "777777777701",
"currencyId": "0685ebce-5c90-4786-82d3-da6f206b7df5",
"currencyCode": "SEK",
"paymentTermsId": "487c7f01-7d6f-4764-af77-5d07ed7ee392",
"shipmentMethodId": "093a2f3a-c4a8-488e-aac4-7f3050cc0ecc",
"paymentMethodId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"blocked": " ",
"balance": 1043.55,
"overdueAmount": 0,
"totalSalesExcludingTax": 0,
"lastModifiedDateTime": "2017-11-23T02:12:37.593Z",
"address": {
"street": "Kungsgatan 18",
"city": "Norrköping",
"state": "",
"countryLetterCode": "SE",
"postalCode": "600 03"
"paymentTerms": {
"code": "LM",
"description": "Laufender Monat"
"shipmentMethod": {
"code": "EXW",
"description": "Ab Warenhaus"
"paymentMethod": null
Where is my fault?
Hi @megel ! We will look into this and see where the issue lies.
My issue below is closed. See following comment.
This is by design right now, one can add on-prem (C/SIDE), but extension support require namespacing which we are working on now. If allowed as-is, all extensions would publish to the root API. Update expected in the next couple of updates after Tenerife.
Any update on this? I have created a new API page as an object which works fine - but when I convert to AL and publish as an extension the 'testapiintegration' API page is not seen.
page 50001 "Test API Integration" { Caption = 'testapiintegration', Locked=true; EntityName = 'testapiintegration'; EntitySetName = 'testapiintegration'; PageType = API; SourceTable = "Test API Integration"; layout { area(content) { repeater(Group) { field("Function App URL";"Function App URL") { } field("Web App URL";"Web App URL") { } field("Azure Function App Key";"Azure Function App Key") { } } } }
This is work in progress and should be available in Dev Preview in the next few weeks.
Which #Docker tag should I use?
These two blog posts should have all the information you need:
Any update when we can have custom API support in Business Central?
Custom API's should be working and have done so for a while. From my previous post, our API(s) has now been updated to look as below, note the new properties. Use an up to date VSIX compiler, preferably 2.0 or higher.
page 50001 "Test API Integration"
Caption = 'testapiintegration';
PageType = API;
DelayedInsert = true;
EntityName = 'testapiintegration';
EntitySetName = 'testapiintegration';
APIVersion = 'v1.0';
APIGroup = 'someapiGroup';
APIPublisher = 'someApiPubnlisher';
SourceTable = "Test API Integration";
ShowCaption = false;
field(functionAppURL; "Function App URL")
Caption = 'functionAppURL';
field(webAppURL; "Web App URL")
Caption = 'webAppURL';
field(functionAppKey; "Function App Key")
Caption = 'functionAppKey';
ExtendedDatatype = Masked;
trigger OnOpenPage()
if not Get() then begin
Yes new version works pretty well. I have used in a new object last week. But I didn't try to extend an existing API object.
@megel On which Business Central version you have API working?
I am using Business Central RC1 On-Premises US Dynamics NAV 13.0 (24285), but can't get custom API in list of API via Postman.
AL Language compiler version 2.0.42188
@jatinmittal1822 I have used for my demo RC2 and VS Code to call the API Use RESTClient as extension for VS Code:
I create a file api.http
and called my API:
### GET all Entities
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
@megel Thanks for your reply. It is working for me now.
It's an issue of URL, I am not aware of using API-PUBLISHER/API-GROUP/API-VERSION in custom API.
It was also my fault :) as I started
Closing as this old entry seems to have been resolved