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customCodeCops for BusinessCentral.LinterCop does not seem to work
I have added the setting customCodeCops
to my AL-Go-Settings.json
"customCodeCops": [
(similar to Stefan Maron is using here)
On a seperate branch, I've removed a caption from an action, so the BCLinterCop givess the warning.
If I commit this and create a PR, the pipeline triggers. But it doesn't seem to use the BCLinterCop.
.\alc.exe /project:"c:\sources\App" /packagecachepath:"c:\sources\.packages" /out:"c:\sources\.output\ESC" /analyzer:C:\build\vsix\extension\bin\Analyzers\Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.CodeCop.dll /analyzer:C:\build\vsix\extension\bin\Analyzers\Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.AppSourceCop.dll /analyzer:C:\build\vsix\extension\bin\Analyzers\Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.UICop.dll /ruleset:c:\shared\.github\.vscode\module.ruleset.json /enableexternalrulesets /SourceRepositoryUrl:"" /SourceCommit:"709c6ede636df90d80624c325e73a840e1d25ca9" /BuildBy:"AL-Go for GitHub,v4.0" /BuildUrl:"" /assemblyprobingpaths:"C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared","C:\ProgramData\BcContainerHelper\Extensions\bcCalculation6625078712\.netPackages\Service"
Other warnings are given
Warning: AL0749 The type 'CalculationHeader' of the parameter 'Calculation Header ESCA' of the public method 'RecalculateCalculationPrices' has 'Internal' accessibility. The method will not be callable outside of this module without an implicit conversion.
Warning: AL0603 An implicit conversion is being performed from a value of type 'Enum Microsoft.Foundation.Enums."Unit Cost Calculation Type"' to a value of type 'Integer'. This conversion can lead to unexpected runtime issues. This warning will become an error in a future release.
c:\sources\App\src\codeunit\,9): info AA0210: The table Calculation Line ESCA does not contain a key with the field Status.
What am I missing to make customCodeCops work? Thanks in advance.
Your setting looks correct. If you include the full log, I will be be able to see whether this is because the setting isn't read and which version you are running etc. etc.
I'm experiencing the same problem. Here's my log, starting from the beginning of the Run Pipeline step, and ending after listing the parameters.
As you can see, I've provided a URL for the customCodeCop
property, but when listing the parameters, the array is empty. There's no log about whether the download succeeded, or was even attempted.
Is there any progress with this? We're starting to have problems with checks that succeed when they should fail.
We have been caught up with BC 24 issues, so unfortunately nothing yet.
@freddydk any timeline on this? It's a bit annoying our custom codecops are not executed.
The reason for this is, that despite the documentation saying so, CustomCodeCops cannot be a URL today. The fix for this is in BcContainerHelper and in a PR here:
When that has merged, you would need to add "vsixFile": "latest" to your settings file as well as the Lintercop from @StefanMaron requires the latest AL Language Exrension.
You can see a test run with the Lintercop here: