Miroshin Stepan
Miroshin Stepan
Here is an updated function that I shared before. ```ts async function signXml({ certBase64: cert, alg, keys, xml, id }: { certBase64: string; alg: RsaHashedKeyGenParams; keys: CryptoKeyPair; xml: string; id:...
I've published the new version `[email protected]`. It extends options for `signingCertificate`
I updated your example. Is it what you want? ### TypeScript ```ts const alg = { name: "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5", hash: "SHA-256", publicExponent: new Uint8Array([1,0,1]), modulusLength: 2048, } const keys = await...
`xadesjs` classes describe XML schema. You can change values without `getElementById`. For examples see [apply functions](https://github.com/PeculiarVentures/xadesjs/blob/master/src/signed_xml.ts#L150-L182)
@moll Thank you for your issue. I'm waiting for new update of [asn1.js](https://github.com/PeculiarVentures/asn1.js) which must allow to convert `INTEGER` values to BIG number. This update must resolve current problem
I thought about `bn.js` module to fix this error. But developer of `asn1.js` told me that he support `INTEGER` conversion to BIG NUMBER in 1 or 2 days. And you...
I published new versions of `xmldsigjs` and `xadesjs`. It returns `integer` in `` @moll Could you check it?
no, I didn't
@uplink42 Sure. Please send me your file to [email protected]
Our module has got a problem with getting `#Certificate1` reference. I'll fix it