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Common Gradle build scripts

micronaut-build Maven Central

Micronaut internal Gradle plugins. Not intended to be used in user's projects.


The plugins are published in Maven Central:

buildscript {
    dependencies {
        classpath "io.micronaut.build:micronaut-gradle-plugins:5.2.0"

Then, apply the individual plugins as desired

Available plugins

  • io.micronaut.build.internal.common.

    • Configures the version to the projectVersion property (usually defined in gradle.properties).
    • Configures Java / Groovy compilation options.
    • Configures dependencies, enforcing the Micronaut BOM defined in micronautVersion property, as well as the version defined in groovyVersion.
    • Configures the IDEA plugin.
    • Configures Checkstyle.
    • Configures the Spotless plugin, to apply license headers.
    • Configures the test logger plugin.
  • io.micronaut.build.internal.dependency-updates:

    • Configures the com.github.ben-manes.versions plugin to check for outdated dependencies.
  • io.micronaut.build.internal.version-catalog-updates:

    • An alternative to io.micronaut.build.internal.dependency-updates which is usable on projects that make use of Gradle's version catalogs
  • io.micronaut.build.internal.publishing:

    • Configures publishing to Sonatype OSSRH and Maven Central.
  • io.micronaut.build.internal.docs:

    • Configures the guide publishing stuff.
  • io.micronaut.build.internal.quality-checks:

    • Applied automatically by the common plugin; configures Checkstyle, Jacoco and Sonar.
  • io.micronaut.build.internal.quality-reporting:

    • To be applied to the root project only; it consumes and aggregates the reports produced by the quality-checks plugin.

Configuration options

Default values are:

micronautBuild {
    sourceCompatibility = '1.8'
    targetCompatibility = '1.8'

    checkstyleVersion = '8.33'

    dependencyUpdatesPattern = /.+(-|\.?)(b|M|RC)\d.*/

Also, to pin a dependency to a particular version:

micronautBuild {
    resolutionStrategy {
        force "com.rabbitmq:amqp-client:${rabbitVersion}"

You can use the same DSL as in Gradle.