Frank Løvendahl Nielsen
Frank Løvendahl Nielsen
Hi @jantoas Without knowing your plugin setup, maybe one way would be to do custom AssemblyResolve? ``` AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += (sender, args) => { string fileName = new AssemblyName(args.Name).Name + ".dll";...
In your configuration (`log4net.conf`) you have set: ``` ``` the ado appender to the console appender type. Change it to: ``` ``` the ado appender type. Cheers, Frank
Hi, just so i understand the context. 1. Does the error happens when you set the connection at runtime, or before? 2. Does it connect to the database and log?...
ok, i will try do some test to provoke the issue you have. Can you deliver a code snippet of the startup of you log4net.
Is it only the `AdoNetAppender` that get multiple entries of the same log?
Without doing any debugging, my best guess is that your custom impl. `ChunkWiseInsertion` is the criminal, there is multiple `foreach` loops. I am pretty sure Log4NetAdoNetAppender works the way it...
#23 is a few years old, so with a little bit of luck It should work now. Post a status back if it works, for others crossing this issue.
Yes, a PR with tests for sqlite will be cool. Great work 👍
You are welcome to do a PR, but this _alias_ thing is only for windows and thereby only .Net Framework or ? So the PR should only be for that...
Can you show the sql of the configuration?