cookie-universal icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
cookie-universal copied to clipboard

Universal cookie plugin, perfect for SSR

Results 22 cookie-universal issues
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tried installing into a nuxt3 project got this warning ``` [warn] [nuxt] You are using a plugin with legacy Nuxt 2 format (context, inject) which is likely to be broken....

I want the cookie to be set in my frontend from server. But in my postman, when i run the login api. It does not set the cookie. Instead gives...

Im using nuxt $cookies for save some data. When some buttons clicked, im updating cookies: ``` updateTickets(ctx) { this.$cookies.set(`payTickets${ctx.getters.getCurGame}`, ctx.getters.getPayTickets, { secure: false }); this.$cookies.set(`tickets${ctx.getters.getCurGame}`, ctx.getters.getTickets, { secure: false });...

When I deleted one cookie, duplicate this tab, I can retrieve this cookie in Server. I don't know what wrong here. Thanks I created one example at link Follow...

The docs state that you can supply options, but the Typing says you can't: `removeAll: () => void`


Hi,there is an issue, please help. My project is nuxt2, use the version of 2.2.1. in my local env, it works fine, but when deployed to line, we often get...

my nuxt.config is ts,so i add cookie-universal-nuxt to nuxt.config.ts: export default defineNuxtConfig({ modules: ['@nuxtjs/tailwindcss', '@nuxtjs-alt/proxy','cookie-universal-nuxt'], ... ... }) then: npx nuxi build Nuxi 3.0.0 12:16:05 Nuxt 3.0.0 with Nitro 1.0.0...

``` if(isClient) { removeToken('f_token') }else { console.log('run in server') app.$cookies.remove('f_token') } console.log(app.$cookies.get('f_token'), 789) ```