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A repository maintains the book of ".NET Core application debugging" sample code.
.NET Core 2.0 Debugging Sample Project
A repository to maintain .NET Core application debugging sample code.
This is a sample project repository that maintains some very poor .NET Core code to help developers demostrate how to figure out root cause issues from .NET Core application by LLDB/Windbg.
I recently wrote a book named ".NET Core 2.0 Application Debugging". In this book, I demostrated all these sample in book chapters.
This repo contains below projects:
- AppSimpleCrash
- CrashAtFinalizer
- DBDeadlockHang
- DumpMe
- HelloWorld
- HighCPU
- MassiveThreads
- MemoryLeak
In this repository also contains .NET Core debugging extensions for Linux and macOS on x64 archiecture to compatiable LLDB3.9. Please feel free to download.
Access Tsinghua Press website to know details
.NET Core 2.0 调试样例代码仓库
一个包含.NET Core 应用程序调试样例代码的代码仓库
这是一个示例项目代码仓库维护一些非常差劲的.NET Core代码,用来帮助开发人员演示如何利用LLDB/Windbg调试工具从.NET Core应用程序中找出程序运行出错的根本原因。
我最近写了一本名为《.NET Core 2.0 应用程序高级调试》的书。 在这本书中,我将所有这些例子调试方法在各章中进行了介绍。 代码仓库中包含以下项目:
- AppSimpleCrash
- CrashAtFinalizer
- DBDeadlockHang
- DumpMe
- HelloWorld
- HighCPU
- MassiveThreads
- MemoryLeak
在最新发布的.NET Core 2.1 中,调试扩展所支持的LLDB 调试器已经从3.6升级到3.9 版本。在这个版本库中,还包含了用于Linux和Mac OS X64架构的.NET Core调试扩展,以兼容LLDB3.9。 请随意下载。
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