I added some small bug fixes and improvement on top of eLvErDe version. (bug fix with handler functions, swagger url can be set to /, ui can be disabled, no...
Yes I'm agree. Depending of your move let us know. If you need more details about some commits I can provide them of course. Some issues are not reported but...
Proposed: #96
I have the same issue on AKS 1.21.2 (kopf 1.35.2, python 3.9) I'm trying @shivamverma182 settings right now and I will report soon. I got a similar short timeout issue...
It works with 60 seconds timeout. I tried 180 seconds (3 min) and it is working too. The reason about that has been discussed here : https://github.com/Azure/AKS/issues/1755 It seems that...
Sorry for the delay So I did the test and unfortunately it is not working with so-keepalive. I have the same behavior with or without it.
FYI it is possible to configure the TCP reset timeout on the AKS Standard Load Balancer. Unfortunately I can NOT test it as we have an old setup with a...
You're right ! I will update all the documentation