attract copied to clipboard
Fresh install: Error, could not find default font
Same issue even with font set
attract --font /usr/share/fonts/TTF/Timesbd.TTF
Attract-Mode v2.7.0 (Linux, SFML 2.5.1 +FontConfig +Xinerama +SWF +7z +Curl)
avcodec 60.3.100 / avformat 60.3.100 / swscale 7.1.100 / avutil 58.2.100 / swresample 4.10.100
Config file not found: /home/kudy/.attract/attract.cfg
- Constructed 1 filters in 0 ms (1 comparisons)
Error, could not find default font.
Important issue that nobody is giving the proper attention.
Worked for me once I specified the font name minus the directory.
To clarify, this works: attract --font LiberationSans-Regular.ttf
This does NOT work: attract --font /usr/share/fonts/liberation/LiberationSans-Regular.ttf
Wanted to throw that out there in case you didn't figure it out already.
It doesn't worked in my case. Still having the issue. Edit
I found this attract.cfg template generated by another person and pasted into .attract.attract.cfg wich i have to manually create.
After that attract works nice.
The issue stills there, attract can't create a proper .attract folder and cfg file on linux.
In case any other person have this issue, try to paste this template on .attract/attract.cfg.
sound sound_volume 100 ambient_volume 100 movie_volume 100
input_map configure Tab prev_letter LControl+Up next_letter LControl+Down filters_menu LControl+Left next_filter LControl+Right configure Escape+Up edit_game Escape+Down add_favourite Escape+LControl prev_letter Joy0 Up+Joy0 Button0 next_letter Joy0 Down+Joy0 Button0 filters_menu Joy0 Left+Joy0 Button0 next_filter Joy0 Right+Joy0 Button0 configure Joy0 Up+Joy0 Button1 edit_game Joy0 Down+Joy0 Button1 add_favourite Joy0 Button0+Joy0 Button1 back Escape back Joy0 Button1 up Up up Joy0 Up down Down down Joy0 Down left Left left Joy0 Left right Right right Joy0 Right select Return select LControl select Joy0 Button0 default back exit default up prev_game default down next_game default left prev_display default right next_display
language en
default_font FreeSans
font_path /usr/share/fonts/;$HOME/.fonts/
screen_saver_timeout 600
displays_menu_exit yes
hide_brackets no
startup_mode default
confirm_favourites yes
confirm_exit yes
mouse_threshold 10
joystick_threshold 75
window_mode default
filter_wrap_mode default
track_usage yes
multiple_monitors no
smooth_images yes
selection_max_step 128
selection_speed_ms 40
move_mouse_on_launch yes
scrape_snaps yes
scrape_marquees yes
scrape_flyers yes
scrape_wheels yes
scrape_fanart no
scrape_videos no
scrape_overview yes
hide_console no
menu_prompt Displays Menu
I had the same issue on Arch Linux. I resolved it by installing the package gnu-free-fonts. Attractmode automatically discovered the default font on launch.