mick delaney

Results 22 comments of mick delaney

There's a vite 2x version here https://github.com/mickdelaney/vite-relay-monorepo/pull/1 but i've not seen any difference

@oscartbeaumont thanks. for anyone else coming here in a similar situation, this setup works by manually plugging in esbuild-babel into packages https://github.com/mickdelaney/relay-recoil-post

@tobias-tengler if you have some time next week i'd love to know how I can help out here. i'm also using this with Hotchocolate btw ;-)

Hi, I've been passing additonal arc_values on the signinRedirect using oidc-client-js. which allows passing arc_values https://github.com/IdentityModel/oidc-client-js/blob/dev/src/OidcClient.js#L62 was there a reason why you _changed_ this behaviour ? there are use cases...

How can I get dotnet 5 SDK installed on 22.04 ? Its not supported using packages. does this mean i _cant_ use the native packages if i want to use...

We handle Kafka errors by storing the offsets in a database (rather than using some of the more complex strategies). It requires services containing consumers at startup to read the...

Any idea when this could be discussed again ? Iā€™m looking at a new greenfield project and this has come up again in relation to Kafka.

Is this PR likely to make it to master/main now ?

whats the consensus on this ? will there be a built in way to deal with this in the future ?