Mickael Istria
Mickael Istria
I once imagined that the Maven bot could generate files to then suggest edits as GitHub comments. I think it's better to suggest an edit than automatically apply it as...
Indeed, it looks like the tycho-compiler-jdt doesn't support the `--patch-module ` option that the maven-compiler-plugin is passing it. I'm not sure what's the "wronger" here: maven-compiler-plugin passing this option, or...
By the way, the [documentation of maven-compiler-plugin](https://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-compiler-plugin/non-javac-compilers.html) and other discussions recommends ```xml maven-compiler-plugin eclipse org.codehaus.plexus plexus-compiler-eclipse ... org.eclipse.jdt ecj ... ``` So if this works, then I don't think Tycho...
The tycho-compiler-plugin exists because it has finer-grained access to access rules and other things that are only useful in the case of Tycho. It's not really meant to replace ecj...
> Probably its the other way round, if plexus-compiler-eclipse is a standard compiler API interface maybe Tycho should then drop its own wrapper to the compiler and use the same...
Tycho uses https://wiki.eclipse.org/Tycho/Reproducible_Version_Qualifiers#What_does_this_actually_do.3F and some timestamp providers. It would indeed be nice to integrate both concepts (ie Tycho timestamps providers to set the property if not otherwise set and tycho-packaging-plugin...
in many cases, the JGit provider is used and uses timestamp of last Git commit. However, I don't think Tycho sets the `project.build.outputTimestamp` according to it, it would indeed be...
For compilation, .classpath may be considered first, internally in tycho-compiler-plugn. For dependency resolution, it has to be driven by OSGi, so MANIFEST.MF has to be used and .classpath must be...
Some projects don't like to commit their .classpath and would still need a way to express that kind of customization in the pom file.
> We probably don't like to support such projects anymore ;-) Why? After all those projects have nothing in .classpath that cannot be computed dynamically and just tweak their build...